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CHEN HAD NYA AND GARMADON tied to separate posts in a room full of bones.

Skylor walked side-by-side with her father, which— sure. Why not? Hiro wasn't expecting Chen, of all people, to have a kid, but considering who his so-called dad was, he couldn't judge. Clouse led the way to the prisoners, down the tunnel system Hiro and Lloyd had just escaped from. Beside Hiro, Kai walked silently, but Hiro didn't miss the concerned looks Kai threw his way. As well-meaning as they were, he found himself annoyed. Discovering Lloyd didn't trust him as much as Hiro thought he had was—

Well. Not great. But Hiro wasn't going to cry about it. Not in front of anyone else, anyway.

Besides, he should have known. At best, he was a charity project. Just because he considered Lloyd to be his best friend didn't mean—

Lloyd shook his head, not having it. "Stay here. We'll figure out what to do about Clouse later." He frowned, poking Hiro's arm. "And I would never accuse you of siding with the bad guy, Hiro. You're my best friend. I know you better than that."

It didn't matter. Hiro's feelings didn't change the plan. He would help the Ninja take down Chen, return everyone's Elemental Powers, and then— leave. Not to the Dark Island, but the city. He'd disappear. Maybe he'd visit Cole and Zane, but he could figure it out later. He had to take this one step at a time; keep his mask of nonchalance on to avoid any talk about how he was feeling. Kai was already trying to make up for months of rivalry—if he thought he could help Hiro through this, he would jump at the chance.

Through the door, the sounds of struggle reached Hiro's ears as Nya and Garmadon tried to escape their bonds. Clouse, Chen, and Skylor entered the room; Chen made a motion for Hiro and Kai to stay behind. Hiro knew it was for the dramatic reveal but followed the order.

"Where is my son?" Garmadon demanded, his voice echoing faintly down the tunnel. "What have you done with—"

"I have your son!" Chen declared with glee. Hiro gritted his teeth together, trying not to imagine what Lloyd was going through. Surely Chen wouldn't harm him until he had Lloyd's Energy? "But his power will become mine at the ceremony tonight. I'm sorry you didn't get an invite," Chen crooned. "I'm still a little hurt from when my pupil decided to betray me so long ago!"

"But how did you defeat him?" Nya asked; her tone was the same as when she'd found Hiro, Lloyd, and Garmadon in the jungle. A desperate type of voice Hiro hated to hear from her. Nya was one of the strongest people he knew. If she thought things were hopeless, what were the rest of them supposed to feel?

"Oh, I had a little help!" Chen announced. Kai nudged Hiro's shoulder with his own, smiling nervously for a moment before fixing his expression to seem regretful.


Kai and Hiro slipped through the door, emerging from the shadows in the dramatic fashion Chen desired. Nya inhaled sharply, her noise of surprise echoing through the chamber. Kai joined Chen's side while Hiro found a place behind them, closer to Skylor than he would have liked. On Chen's other side, lurking closer to the shadows, Clouse gave Hiro a pleased smile that only amplified his nerves. If anyone was going to figure out they were faking, it would be Clouse. For now, he seemed to be buying the act; Hiro needed to make sure it stayed that way.

For his credit, Garmadon didn't look surprised; he didn't spare even a glance at Hiro or Kai. Hiro wasn't sure if that hurt more or less. "You pitted the Ninja against themselves! Just as you did the Elemental Masters!" he riposted, eyes boring into Chen's.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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