Thirty two -( the offer )

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Zara arrived home and went straight to the room where Tori was , she was sitting on the couch adjacent to the bed .

" you're still awake ?"
" yeah I was waiting for you "
" what happened?"
" hum ... so I saw that journalist today , he asked me a lot of questions, so I ran away from him "
" oh..... I got it what did he ask? "
" she asked my name and I said Tori , Vitoria, he asked my mothers name and I said Zara "
" good job "
" but he showed me some photos too "
" what type of photos ?"
" hum... C-Cyril picture " she said struggling even saying his name
Zara hold a death stare on her face when Tori informed her what Niall said, did ,and showed to her .
" he asked me if I knew him and I said no , he showed me a picture of Maya's mother and asked the same and I told no " says Tori " then he asked me about Maya and I told him Maya drown , then he said tell your mother we'll meet again "
Zara nods wanting to cry
" don't worry about it I'll take care of it " says Zara trying to comfort the child

Finally getting out of the room letting Tori sleep, she's contemplating either she should or not to ... but she does she grabs her phone and waits until she gets an answer from the other side
" mr. Niall we have to talk " she says determined
" I've been waiting for your call " he says with a cocky attitude

Gabriela went to mr. Aaron store which was next to hers basically.
" hi are you closing ?"
" hello  no no not yet tell me "
" so hum Gina told me you worked with National education ?"
" oh yeah I was an inspector yes "
" so I- I wanted to know because I have a friend who I dearly love that she will register her daughter at school but she doesn't have the ID "
" hum I see yeah without the ID she can't no but why doesn't she has it ?"
" oh ... hum.... She ... hum it's complicated you know it's very problematic " she says trying to give a good excuse " it's ya know her husband she suffers from violence so..."
" oh in that case the government helps with that it gives them protection and they can register the girl at school without an ID to conserve the victims identity yes" says the old man
" really ?" Gabriela says excited

Zara went to a coffee shop ,meeting with Niall
" welcome mrs Zara how are you you " he says with his stupid smirk
" Niall what do you want from us ?" She says mad " why did you scare a little girl ?"
" I'm sorry I didn't mean to and I have a great respect for you I wouldn't dare do what you did , I could not kidnap a child " he said coming closer to her and speaking very low
" what ?!"
" I know you kidnapped Maya. "
" what the fuck are you talking about?"
" that child is not your daughter, her name is not Tori or Vitoria or whatever her name is Maya , Maya Aguilar " he smirked " I'll tell you what I'm going to do next , I'm going to publish this on the front page it's big news , her teacher kidnapped the little girl who was thought being dead , I'm going to do the news now and then you know what ? You're going to jail for kidnapping, they'll give Maya back to her family , sure if you don't do something I want you to do . "

" what do you want ?"
" it's kind of a deal , I'm not doing this news and you will give me what I want "
" which is ?"
" mrs Zara they say mothers would do anything for their children , would you do anything for Maya ? "
" what do you want Niall ?" She repeated losing her patience .

Gabriela arrived home and felt dizzy she saw everything blurry until fainting and falling on the floor .

Zara was so disgusted with his "deal" that got up and ran away but he caught her arm " if you act angry you can make a mistake that can't be undone we don't want that do we ? I think you should think about it until tomorrow night , or the day after tomorrow you'll hear the news on the front page or you can do what I want "
" you are so immoral "
" is kidnapping too moral Zara ?"
" you choose "
" you're disgusting "
Zara ran away crying almost being ran over by a car , she tried to breathe, so she went to search for Louis she needed his help and his shoulder to cry on .

Soley gets home always hearing Cyril complaining and commenting , but she sat on the couch where Maya used to sleep and grabbed a pillow but behind the pillow was a pink small notebook, she grabbed it and read it until reaching a page " teacher Zara "

Zara met with Louis , and she explained everything to him .
" but who is this dude ? Huh ? Who's the pal ?"
" a journalist idk "
" his name ?"
" Niall ..."
"Niall ?! Is it ... nooo it can't be , do you know the last name ZaZa?"
" y-yeah it's hum Horan or something like that" she says sobbing and felling disgusted.
" no way Niall Horan the blond haired dude ? With blue eyes ?"
" yes you're describing almost half of the population of the UK "
" no no listen does he speaks with a Irish accent "
" oh god ... he does "
" fuck me ... no way that little shit " says Louis abruptly getting up
" hey hey easy there big boy sit down "
" no sister of mine is asked that ok no sister of mine is asked for sex !"
" how and why do you know him ?"
" girl .... Zara you didn't recognize him ? Really ? Are you dori or something?"
" I didn't, it's supposed to?"
" yeah hello?! Remember that little band I had ? At school ?"
" the band ? .... The band ... the band .... Wait the one with a name about a direction or something?"
" one direction yes "
" so ?"
" so? He's Niall the blondie "
" no ... he's so different... "
"Listen with you being different I would accept him not knowing you , because you changed a lot like a lot I think even your DNA changed so it's normal not to know you anymore but you with names and stuff "
" i know but he was familiar to me but I ignored to be honest and now what do I do?" 
" I'm gonna beat the shit out of him or talk to him ?"
" NO! No one will beat the shit out of nobody ok ? Let's do this I accept and you come with me but you'll wait a few meter away and always following behind ok ? And when I need you I'll scream or do a signal with a hand. "
"Alright " says Louis

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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