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The door swung open with a soft thud as Dhruv fumbled with the keys. Stepping inside, I was met with the unfamiliar sight of his apartment. It was a space I hadn't seen before—a private world I wasn't privy to. The air hung heavy with a masculine scent, a stark contrast to the usual sterile feel of office buildings.

A quick glance around revealed a lived-in space. A worn leather armchair sat near a window, sunlight streaming across its surface. A guitar leaned against a wall, its worn strings hinting at countless late-night melodies. A half-finished project layout stood abandoned on a drawing table in the corner, its pencil strokes promising.

Dhruv always had his hands in everything growing up. Cooking, baking, painting, playing instruments, and whatnot.

Dhruv's voice broke the silence. "Make yourself at home," he said, his tone warm yet laced with a touch of nervousness. He gestured towards the living room, his eyes lingering on me for a beat too long.

It wasn't just the space itself, but the way it felt—a reflection of Dhruv, a glimpse into his life outside of meetings and gatherings. I could tell he was trying to make me feel comfortable.

"This place is... different," I admitted, stepping further into the apartment.

Dhruv chuckled, a hint of relief in his voice. "Yeah, it's not exactly a showroom. So it might be a bit untidy."

"That's not what I meant. It's nice." I pause. "Beautiful, actually."

The doorbell's shrill ring pierced the comfortable silence, indicating our delivery was here.

A moment later, he returned with a couple of brown paper bags. As he unpacked the food, the aroma filled the air, making my stomach grumble.

I helped him place the food on the table and said, "It smells delicious."

"I'm glad it does. I'd have made you food myself, but time constraint. You know what? Next time. I'll make sure you have the best meal I've ever prepared."

"Next time, huh? That confident?"



He laughed at my comment and said "I'll just come changed ok? You start eating."

I picked out my plate and headed towards the drawing table. I started observing the notes Dhruv set for himself to revise later. I took a mental note of the changes to see if I could help. But again, I'm just an interior and exterior designer.

I shrugged and settled myself on the sofa. I could see a very big tea table in the middle and a mini chandelier hanging above.

There was a bonsai and today's newspaper next to it.

It feels so good here; if I had a chance, I'd live here forever.

The thought that no one comes here, just him, makes it feel more personal. Like he cleans the house himself and changes the sheets himself. He doesn't live here, though.

"Is the food good?"

I turn around to give him my attention, and I see him come over with his portion of food.

"Yes, I like it."

He opens his mouth to say something when we get interrupted by his phone call.



"I said I'd be there."


"Stop nagging."


"I said around 3. It's not even 2 right now."


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