Day Out

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Aurora lie down on her bed as she thought about what happened tonight. she feels sorry for both woori and Yunho. Aurora texted Yunho that she is going to bring woori to buy something before going to dinner but Yunho only reply with 'k'. Aurora doesnt feels irritated because she knows how busy Yunho is.

"woo, Tyunnie. keep your things inside your bag. we are going to buy something before eat" both kids cheer happily as they heard the word eat.

"thank you Jongho for today. im sorry if both of them disturbed your work." Jongho smiled.

"what are you talking about. i almost forget that they were here until woori come to me asking me to tie her hair" Jongho reply.

Aurora glad that her senior doesnt felt annoyed with them. they bid goodbye before heading to their own destination. Aurora put Taehyun and woori both on the back seat.

"mama, where papa?'" woori ask.

"yuyu need to work woo. now, sit down. we are going to buy some colors and book for you okay?" woori listen to Aurora and sits beside Taehyun. Taehyun play with woori's finger.

as they reach their destination, Aurora lift woori and held Taehyun's hand. Aurora need to buy some needle and maybe pencil and some other stationary as she needs to draw her dress. well, not exactly her own dress but, yeah you know it.

Taehyun held woori's hand and leads her to the book section. Aurora makes sure she could see both kids. after a while, they came back with both holding a book and a set of color pencil. Aurora takes her last item and pay for all of it.

after the little shopping, Aurora drive towards the address Yunho gave him. its a simple yet comfortable restaurant. woori jump in excited. Aurora could tell that its been a long time since woori comes here. the waiter sits them in a place that have less customer and Aurora really appreciated it because as soon as they sat, woori started sobbing.

Aurora almost panic but she manage to calm down. all of them seat beside each other and facing the wall so Aurora sure enough no one sees them or else someone might assume Aurora kidnapped woori. Aurora hug woori and wipe the kids' tears.

Aurora cups woori's face and ask, "woo.. why woo cry? woo want to eat here right? woo hurt?"

woori shook his head as a no. "woo want with y...yuyu too... eomma...appa...yuyu" woori sobs again. Aurora know understood why. the girl miss her family but she didnt know how to express it.

Aurora smile in pain when she sees the woori crying.

"woo.. next time we ask yuyu to come too okay? today yuyu have a lot of work to do but rora promise that she will come next time okay?" woori nod and smile again at the words. "eomma appa too?" Aurora nod. woori cheer and hug Taehyun that sits beside Aurora. Taehyun giggle.

after a while, their order arrived and Aurora could tell why their family loves this restaurant so much. Taehyun eats while keeps feeding Aurora and Aurora do the same with both Taehyun and woori. she doesnt want woori to feel left out.

they ate peacefully and Aurora paid the bills. as she expected, the price wasnt that high and she decided to return the money to Yunho later.

"Tyunnie want to pay!" Taehyun said. Aurora gives her card to Taehyun and lift the boy to pay.

as they arrived Aurora's house, both kids looks so tired and woori already looks half asleep. Aurora guide them inside Taehyun's room to change. Taehyun told Aurora bout how happy he is that he have woori with him and Aurora nodding while asking a few questions too.

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