Isaac imagine

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You were quietly sitting at the table trying to make a good impression on his father. You knew that he was abusive but you still wanted to meet him. Isaac was sitting right beside you shaking, You saw and you slowly held his hand underneath the table.

You guys talked for ages and it was quite nice, but it soon went silent as his father says,

"So how's your grades son?". With a instant he was shaking even more " It's only term 1 I can get better" he said trembling,

"Boy I don't care, tell me your grades" he slowly clenches his fists. "I got a B in history, a A+ in maths and........uhhhh ummm a D in science" he looks up knowing he was going to get a beating. You tightened your hand in his. "That's okay." he said. " really?", he looked up to him in confusion.

" Yeah just clean up the kitchen for your punishment". Isaac was so relieved but suddenly his father said "I want everything....spotless!" while smashing everything on the table.

You both leaped up in shock . His father punches Isaac in the face as he goes down on the ground he took a step closer. "Don't!" you screamed while sheltering Isaac on the ground, "Don't get into this little girl" he yelled.

"You can break my soul, take my life away...beat me, hurt me but for the love of god do not touch him!!" you said while tearing up as you suddenly threw a chair at him and knocked him out, cold. "Isaac you are staying with me tonight" you said while shaking viciously.

You wrote his father a note saying "if you ever touch him again, I will call the police and I will get you arrested.", You placed it on the table and drove off with Isaac as you would not let him stay in that house ever again.

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