Stiles Imagine

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Stiles was staying the night at your place. After the video game marathon you guys decided to go to your bed.

Stiles looked over at his phone, "Hey Y/N do you know what the time is?" he said in shock. "No?" you questioned, "Its 3 am" he said while laughing. You guys got changed and hoped into bed.

You were just about to go to sleep, "Y/N I can't sleep unless I am in the middle" he said. " Then we spoon" you said while shuffling over to spoon (you were a little spoon). After a while, you gently fall into asleep... "Y/N I don't like this, my arms dead" he wines. "I am going to kill you" you wined. You shuffled again to make him the little spoon. He was thinking about the position and then he finally says " yeah I like this", you smiled and kissed him on the cheek. But now your stomachs were growling. You guys were wide awake now, " do you want to go to Mc Donald's ? " you questioned with excitement. He turned over " you know me so well" he said while smirking.

You guys jumped into Stiles jeep and drove to Mc Donald's. You guys ordered chicken nuggets and chips as you sat down eating and laughing. It was now about 5 am as you guys were driving back to your place. Once you got back to the house you guys went straight to bed and fell asleep in each others arms.

The End hopefully that was a cuteish weird one :) xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2015 ⏰

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