Book One: The Unlikley Four - Chapter Two

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 Chapter 2
 Mall Rats

The Quinjet arrives near the Romero Mall. The back of the Quinjet doors get lowered as our heroes prepare for their attack. Nick Fury intercepts the team's earpieces.

"Alright team. The Saints aren't going to welcome you with open arms. We have no choice but to get loud with this one. The front door on the east wing of the building is guarded by soldiers. You need to enter the west wing of the building where the front doors are heavily barricaded."

Captain America replies, "I got this Fury. Okay Red Wing, do your thing!"

Red Wing pops out of the back of Sam's exo wings as it takes off. Sam grabs The Doctor and John Wick by their waist and flies them out of the Quinjet. Cole takes a quick breather and a few steps back, relaxing and stretching his muscles in the process. Wyatt Wingfoot takes a look back at Cole.

"Hey if you want, we got some parachutes on the top left", states Wingfoot.

Cole responds, "Naw, let the hands do the talking". He proceeds to run as fast as possible and leaps out of the quinjet. For a couple of seconds in the air, he begins to hover using his electric powers. On the way down he notices a powerline below and proceeds to release his levitation, landing his feet on the wires and glides on them like a walkway to his destination.

Back in the air, Captain America proceeds to land on the ground with the two in his arms and drops them off. Red Wing floats near the west wing doors and launches a mini rocket to blast through the barrier, exploding it in the process.

Inside the mall, smoke fills the air as Saint soldiers begin to surround the area in hostility. The soldiers are armed with high tech firearms, more high tech than any weapon seen by human eyes. Suddenly, two electric orbs fly out of the smoke, landing perfectly onto two soldiers like a sticky substance. The orbs explode, stunning the soldiers as gunfire from the smoke appears, revealing Wick to be the one shooting them with his handgun. Captain America zooms out of the smoke, almost clearing the smoke from the scene as he proceeds to thrust his mighty shield at the incoming soldiers, stunning three as the shield retracts back into Sam's arms. The Doctor; in the middle of the fire fight, creates a square forcefield for himself using the sonic screwdriver and slowly pushes the force field forward as four enemy soldiers begin to shoot at The Doctor. The force field blocks the bullets, giving The Doctor enough time to brainstorm his next idea.


The Doctor uses all of his might to kick the force field forward as hard as he can. The force field pushes itself very fast, startling the soldiers as they proceed to run away. They evade the force field as it shatters into pieces mid push. This was enough to distract them as Captain America comes in with a spiral kick, using his legs to knock out two of the four soldiers.

Electric blasts coming from Macgrath stun the remaining two as the area begins to die down. The four regroup as The Doctor opens up his holographic screen to determine the whereabouts of Shang Chi.

"The heat signals are coming from the lower floor. What are your thoughts Captain?" informs The Doctor.

"You'll come with me Doctor. Macgrath, Wick, you two will provide support by stopping anyone coming our way. Red Wing scanned the rest of the mall. We got bogeys incoming from this floor and the top floor. Do whatever you can to separate them from us and distract them as much as possible until we get my friend out of there." Captain America instructs.

Lasers stray right towards the four's way as they're almost hit by incoming fire from Saint soldiers. Captain America and The Doctor proceed to run down to the lower floors as Cole and Wick provide fire power against the incoming attackers. The Captain and Doctor make their way down the escalator, with Cap flying down as The Doctor scoffs in annoyance at his limited resources, proceeding to slide down the escalators using the hand rails. Soldiers from the floor they were previously on begin to shoot down at the Doctor as he barely makes it out. The Doctor catches his balance when he makes it to the floor and continues to run with Cap, who deactivates his exo wings and proceeds on foot.

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