Missed shots

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After I was all patched up I pulled my mask on and walked out to be greeted by Soap.  "Don't get too comfortable, we just go more information on Hassan from Price and Laswell" he said and I raised my brow.


In the meantime I along with Ghost and Soap were sent to a military base safe house.  I walked in and looked around, it looked like a basic boring house.  "I guess this means you're apart of the team Rain" Soap said and I raised a brow.  "What team?".  "Soap quit tit, we don't need extras, especially not a private" Ghost spat.  I straightened my posture.  "Come on Ghost... she did good for a first mission" Soap said trying to defend me.  "She did mediocre at best" The more this man threw insults at me that longer I found it hard to keep mine in. 

I ended up just walking off when I found an armory and shooting range, it didn't take long for me to pick up a hand held and start firing, everyone had some way of letting out unnecessary anger, and this was mine. 

As I was shooting when everything hit me all at once... I could've died last night, I was the reason those men died and the weirdest thing about it was I didn't feel sad, upset or even scared, I felt nothing.  Like this was all normal, like I haven been doing this my whole life.  No matter how hard I kept those memories locked up in a tight box I knew why I felt like this.  I was made for this.

Soap then walked into the room, "so France hmm?" He said knocking me out of my trance.  "Mhm" I hummed as I reloaded the pistol.  "What's it like?" He asked and I questioned whether or not he was being serious with his questioning.  "Calm, and comforting" I said as I shot another few shots.  "I'm sorry about Ghost, he's a good man he just... he takes his work very seriously and he sees you as a nuisance" he said and I held back a scoff.  " Let him, I don't care what he thinks, plus I doubt I'll be working with you guys more" I said focusing on my shots.  "Price and Lawsell took a liking to ya, it's hard to get their attention, why did you join the military?" I felt my focus become preoccupied and I missed my shot.... I never miss.

"Because, I had to" I responded and placed my gun down before walking past him. I didn't want to talk about this anymore. As I walked out I bumped into Ghost. "Bloody hell you blind or somethin'?" He shoved me out of the way. I didn't say anything even though I felt the rage boil in my chest.

Keep it in. Don't let it out.

You and I know what will happen.

(Shot chapter ik SORRY next one will be better promise!!)

A Light That Never Goes Out (Simon "Ghost" Riley x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now