Chapter 9

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I felt bad about leaving Maddy, but I left her alone on a couch with Harry Styles! She should love me.

I stare into Niall's blue eyes as we sit across from each other. We decided to eat at this little diner, we found, considering it was late. We ordered burgers and sat talking. "So how do you like the U.S. so far?" I ask him. He sits there thinking for a moment. "The girls are very loud." he said suddenly. I start to laugh and gag on the water I had just swallowed. He laughed with me and then said, "It's amazing! I don't know why I love it here so much. Plus they have really great food!" I smile at him and take a bite of my burger.

He is such a good guy. I love his personality and just everything about him. I wish all the guys I knew were this awesome. Only they aren't. They all consist of nasty horny guys or the ones with to many expectations for girls. I hated being with guys normally, but with Niall it was so different. We connected so well, that I didn't even think about the things I normally do with other guys. Like when is he gonna start being creepy with me? Or is he gonna cheat on me, like the other one did? I had had some bad experiences with guys.

"Do you play an instrument or anything?" Niall asks bringing me back to reality. "No not really. I love music though." I say smiling. We finish our food and walk out of the diner. "It's so pretty out." I say looking up at the stars. Niall looks up to. We stand there starring at the night sky. "Can I show you something?" I ask. "Anything." he tells me. I grab his hand and start walking.

He laces his fingers through mine as we keep waking. I see the park just up the street. We find my favorite spot, and sit down. "I used to come here a lot when I needed time to think. Or if I just needed to get away." I explain to him. He observers the area around him. "It's very peaceful." he said laying down on his back, to face the stars. I lay down next to him. We sit in silence and just stare into the beautiful sky. "Do you want to play a game?" Niall asks, breaking the silence. I turn to look at him. "Sure." I saying looking him in the eyes. He sits up and thinks. "We could play twenty questions." he suggests after a moment. I sit up next to him. "You first." I say. He smiles as he thinks about a question. "Have you ever been out of the country?" he asks. "Nope." I say. "I have always wanted to though." I start to think of something to ask him. "Umm... Out of the the guys in the band, which are you closest to?" I ask him. "Probably Liam. He is such a good person. You can tell him anything. And he gives the best advice. He is also super fun, when he wants to be." he replies. I smile and think about Liam.

"Have you ever been kissed?" Niall asks me. I blush. "Yes." I say. "Have you?" I ask him. "Is that my question then?" he laughs. I nod. "Yes I have." he says cheekily. I start to laugh. He just stares at me, and after a while laughs with me. I lay back down and take a deep breath. "What are you thinking about?" Niall asks eyeing me. I hesitate. "I just have not had this much fun with a guy in a long time. And never in a million years did I think that I would be having a really awesome time with you." I admit, looking into his eyes.

He stands up, and reaches his hands to me, and pulls me up in front of him. "I'm having a lot of fun to." he says wrapping his arms around me. I'm speechless. The feeling of his body pressed up against mine is wonderful. I wrap my arms around him, and bury my face into his shirt.

All of a sudden there is the sound of a camera clicking, coming from behind us.

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