Everything Has Changed

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It had been a month since the ranch party, and Streak still hadn't returned to school. It's a sensitive subject among us, especially because of Rainbow. We avoided bringing it up, at least in front of her. The upcoming week promised his return, but for now, we were focused on the present event, like today, the school's - Musical Diversity Day- , better known as the school's music competition event to raise money.

I enter the school auditorium, feeling the electric atmosphere. Pinkie waves as soon as she sees me, and I join her and the other girls.

- I can't wait! - Pinkie exclaims, clapping her hands with enthusiasm. - I've prepared an amazing choreography! You all have to see it!

Pinkie is the only one in our group who decided to do a dance performance instead of singing or playing an instrument. I've seen her rehearsing, and I can say she's great!

Rainbow smiles, leaning her arm on a stack of folding chairs. Like me and Rarity, she was going to sing. Of course, they would also play their instruments, Rarity using the school's piano and Rainbow with her guitar.

- I just want to get on stage and show who's the best guitarist in this school, - Rainbow says confidently, earning an affectionate eye roll from Applejack.

- Well, I can't say much about my song, - Rarity comments with a teasing smile. - Just know it'll be on the piano, and that's plenty!

- And you, Twilight? - Fluttershy asks, tilting her head. - What song are you going to sing?

I feel a slight blush on my cheeks and play with a strand of hair to distract myself. Originally, I was going to sing alone until Flash offered to join me almost last minute. Honestly, having him accompany me on the guitar is better than my brother's old radio. I still feel butterflies fluttering in my stomach when I remember I'm going to sing with him.

- Oh, it's just a silly romantic ballad. Nothing special, really, - I reply, trying to sound unenthusiastic. The girls have been teasing me about my 'crush' for days; I don't want to give them more ammunition.

- I'm sure it will be beautiful, Twilight,- the shy girl smiles at me. - We'll be rooting for all of you.

Anna nods with an encouraging smile. - Definitely!

I then see Flash approaching with his guitar on his back, and an involuntary smile forms on my face. I excuse myself and step away from the girls, feeling my body warm up as I approach him. He notices my face turning tomato red.

- You seem nervous, Twilight. Is everything okay? - Thank goodness, he thinks I'm just nervous about performing! Why do these things have to be so complicated?

I shrug casually, wondering what's happening to my feelings?

- I'm not nervous. I've practiced a lot with your guitar recording, so I think I'm ready.

Flash smiles, looking both relieved and guilty at the same time. He carefully places the guitar on the ground next to us. - I'm glad it worked out. I'm sorry I couldn't rehearse with you in person.

- It's okay, Flash. Just the fact that you offered to play and sing with me was amazing, even if it was last minute, - I say sincerely. A part of me is even relieved he didn't rehearse with me in person. I still don't know how I'll manage to sing a romantic song right in front of him! It's moments like these that I regret sending the first song that came to mind to the principal.

He nodded, his eyes meeting mine. - If you get nervous on stage, just remember we're in this together. Okay?

- Okay.

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