Upside Down, Unside Out

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Lunch. Most people enjoy lunch times at school but to me it is a hassle. Having to sit there, make small talk with my ‘friends’ and all that when I would just prefer to sit in a corner and read a book. But hey, that isn’t very social. So I suck it up for the hour and just sit there listening to the banter that goes back and forth, hoping they don’t try and involve me in too much.

I am sure I would be happier to go to lunch if I had a more understanding group of friends. My friends are nice, but they just aren’t my type of people. Or maybe I am just too weird and nobody is my type of person, that could have been true too because I had yet to found someone similar to me.  

But at this lunch time something different happened: I just walked out of the toilet where I was trying to waste time when I lightly bumped into a boy.

“Sorry,” I said and kept on walking, but he had other plans.

Grabbing my arm to turn me around he gave me this intense, weird stare like he was trying to figure me out, “Do I know you?”

“Yeah, we go to the same school,” I replied sarcastically.

“Oh right,” he laughed and then held out his hand for me to shake, “I am Liam.”

I looked down at his hand. Who shakes these days; I thought but accepted his hand anyway. “Ella.”

“Let me guess, grade 10?”

“I am offended! I am in grade 11, thank you very much,” I smiled at him.

“But you’re so short! How is that even possible?” he joked back, I hope. “I am in grade 12.”

And then just like that it was awkward. I didn’t know if I should strike up conversation again with another topic, or to say goodbye, or what but I was sure if I did say something it would be weird and make things more awkward. So I waited.

“That’s why we have never met before,” he said randomly.


“Because I am in grade 12, that’s probably why we have never met one another before. Anyway, you had best be going, I am sure your friends are curious as to where you are,” he said smiling at me.

“Oh yeah, see you around Liam.”

And after that encounter my life turned upside down and inside out.


Dont know how this story will go... bear with me ;)

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