Part Five - A Baby.. What?

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So, "that was a disaster.." you grumbled under your breath driving to your apartment, planning on grabbing a few things to stay over the night at Kenji's house. Especially after the Kaiju attack, the large dragon like monster that appeared right as Ken finally got a grandslam after two misses.

You got out just fine, but haven't been able to contact the two, Mina was busy you assumed and Ken was too, so that left you to wonder what on earth happened for the both of them to be busy. You haven't been able to reach them so you've decided do over yourself.

Parking in the underground parking garage under the skyscraper of a hotel, which had apartment accommodation for anyone willing to pay the whopping fee (Kenji Sato when he was shopping for places for you to stay which weren't to far from his house).

You knew he was fine, even after falling from the sky on fire, with the Kaiju following suit. But you couldn't be for sure if you hadn't seen him yet, so you quickly clicked the fancy elevator button and made your way up to the 73rd floor. As the floors passed, the number seemed to be going slower as it reached the higher levels.

But finally you reached your floor, walking down the hallway and arriving at your apartment, which was overlooking Tokyo city. All of its lights were beautiful but you didn't have a chance to admire as you took your stuff, which consisted of a change of clothing and toiletries.

And practically as quickly as you got there, you were out, down back in your car and driving off to your clients house. Hoping to god nothings wrong with him, or Mina for that matter. After a good 20 minutes of driving, weaving through traffic and getting out of the city, you had finally reached the robotic highway drive, the one that leads to an island several miles away, to the bloody mansion on the side of the islands cliff.

As you pulled up, leaning into the black cars leather seats, soaking in the only bit of relaxation you had in a good while. Already tired and exhausted about what ever the two have in store for you. Mina and Ken always find a way to surprise you, one way or another.

Your comfort was subjective to a stop when you heard the light puttering of rain, tapping on your cars roof. A light grumble escaped your lips as you realised you were to walk for at least a good few minutes until you reached the front door of the establishment. Meaning you were going to be wet when you finally make it indoors.

"Hopefully Mina has some towels on the go.." you looked out your tinted window, your car seeming to blend in with its surroundings, hidden between the trees that your car park was located. Looking out on the driveway, that overlooked the ocean view across the island, you couldn't help but laugh slightly at how bizarrely rich Ken was.

Your relaxed state jumped when a car drove right past yours. An expensive, but old fashioned vehicle, you gasped, "ah crap.." you grumbled, snatching your bag from the back seat and jumping out of your car, taking your heels off to catch up, leaving it unlocked since literally no one could reach the island.

Well other than you, and Ken's father, but even he needed permission, which you supposed was Mina's doing. You jogged up the driveway, the rain making it slightly slippery on your bear feet, holding your heels and bag as water droplets coated your white button up shirt and shirt, as well as your items.

By the time you got up to the main entrance driveway, Ken's father's car had already started to drive away. "I didn't even take that long" you thought, frowning as you made your way up to where Ken was standing, the rain only just dodging him as he stood under the patios roof.

"Sato" you spoke, approaching the steps, "y/n, thank god you're alright" he stumbled down the steps to take your bag off from you, taking your heels in his other hand. "You must be freezing" he grumbled, noticing your shirt now becoming slightly see through, your bra becoming an outline.

Causing him to look away not wanting to be a creep, you stepped into the house as he followed. "Sato, why weren't you answering? Mina wasn't either" you asked, pulling on the clinging wet cloth on your body. "Umm, about that—"

His sentence was cut off by a high pitch scream, a screech of you will. It didn't sound human at all, but didn't sound all that deadly either. "Kenji Sato, that the fuck is that?" You muttered, staring at the elevator that the noise came from. He glanced at you, even if he was about to be scolded by his private masseuse, he couldn't help by practically bathe in the fact you had called him by his first name. Which hadn't happened in the longest of time.

Cutting out his daydreaming, he chuckled slightly, "uh- eheheh.. so—" another screech, and then another, "Mina!" He called, the robot coming from the elevator only moments later. "Hello y/n, would you like to see the baby Kaiju?"

"A baby.. what?

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