Chapter 6: Walter Park

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### Chapter 6: Walter Park

End of term break had finally arrived.

As teachers, there were the occasional meetings throughout the break and also days where Hanako had to come back to school for duty, but for the first week, she was practically free. Therefore, she could relax at last. Waking up late was the best part, after waking up early for school the past few months. No immediate deadlines as well.

While lounging in bed, scrolling through her phone, Hanako was reminded of the incident the previous week. She recalled the teasing from both her grandfather and Opera, she felt her face heat up. Burying her face into her pillows, she groaned in frustration.

Before Kalego left, all she could do was apologise to him again for her family's behaviour. Kalego just waved it off, not really caring. What was surprising was that he had apologised for the incident, even though no one's at fault.

Hanako sighed as she got up from her bed. Iruma had invited her to Walter Park with the Misfits. She decided to go since she'd been cooped up at home for the past week, and it would be nice to go somewhere new that was not town. Deciding to wear something comfortable since they were going to a theme park, and Grandpa had bought her quite a lot of clothes, but Hanako never really got to wear them, considering she only ever went out to Babyls for work.

In the end, Hanako decided on something simple; a pair of jeans with a tucked-in T-shirt, complemented with a cozy, oversized cardigan layered on top. Packing a small bag to bring her essentials, she headed down to meet her family for breakfast. Opera, Iruma, and Sullivan were already sitting at the table.

"Good morning. Thanks for breakfast, Opera-san."

"Aren't you both excited for Walter Park?" Sullivan smiled.

"Yes! This is my first time going out with friends."

"I'm excited to see what Walter Park is going to look like," Hanako said, remembering that Iruma only showed her the brochure but there weren't many pictures.

"I'm sure it'll be fun," Sullivan says. "But it's the first time you're going out by yourselves so I'm quite worried. That's why I have prepared chaperons!"

Hanako paused, her hand stilled. "Chaperons?"

"But isn't Nee-san coming? Does that mean Opera-san is coming as well?" Iruma questioned.

"Yes, Opera-san will be following the both of you. As well as two other demons, who I have entrusted to keep all of you safe!" Sullivan had a wide and proud smile across his face.

Two other demons...?

That is where she found herself meeting Balam and Kalego after getting off the carriage.

"Balam-sensei, Kalego-sensei," Iruma gave a small smile.

"Hello, Iruma-kun," Balam patted his head and turned to Hanako. "Hanako-san, how are you?"

"I'm good. I didn't think you'd be our chaperones." Hanako laughed. Balam was happy as usual, however Kalego had a dark aura around him. She decided it was best not to say anything. Looking at the new environment, she noticed the tall wall that surrounded the actual park. The height of it was equivalent to a 12-story building.

Subsequently, they met up with the rest of Iruma's friends and waited for the park to open up.

Kalego scowled, his irritation visible. "Why am I being dragged into this..." he muttered under his breath, his arms crossed tightly over his chest.

"Because it's the chair demon's orders," Balam replied cheerfully. "It's fine, isn't it? It seems fun."

"Huh?! How is it fun?!" Kalego retorted, his voice rising in disbelief.

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