Part 10

140 20 8

Author POV

Next day.

Everyone was having breakfast, then shalini said.

Shalini: Children today take leave.. because you all are going to engagement shopping..

Others nodded while yn looks at hiten.

Hiten: y/n will not come.

Shalini: kyun?

Hiten: she have work today.. as today is last day and tomorrow is meeting..

Y/n nodded .

Shalini: then after meeting, they'll go for shopping.

Y/n: arey nahi badi maa.. rysa hai na.. she'll buy for me.. plus ahan Bhai also there..

Rysa: par..

Y/n: I know you'll buy best for me.. *she smiled.*

Hiten: then alright y/n let's go.. we're getting late.

Y/n nodded and take last bite in her mouth and run behind him makes everyone chuckled..

Neela: bacha sambhal ke..

Taehyung: silly..!!.*he mumbled*

Time skips.

Y/n was doing her work in her cabin then she received call from hiten to come at meeting room. She quickly took her stuffs and run to meeting room.

As she was entering, the worst person was sitting while smirking looking at her. She made disgusting face and went to hiten.

It's hiten business partner mr shekhar singh who's behind y/n from past days... He's dirtily staring at her all the time which she feels uncomfortable..

Y/n was discussing with hiten, and he was looking at her head to toe with dirty eyes..

Y/n didn't told to hiten also.. as she knows hiten invests lots of money and hardwork in this deal. She don't want to bother because of her. She was counting days when the meeting will complete..

Hiten: miss y/n , I have an important call.. I'm coming in few minutes.

Y/n: I also have work sir..

Hiten: then alri-

Shekhar: I need your help miss y/n. *He purposely said with evil smirks*

Hiten: sure.. she'll help you.. *he said any leave meeting room*.

Yn was getting nervous. She took deep breath and he suddenly stand up and coming closer to her. She was going backwards and her back touched to wall.. it's not she don't fight back but because of hiten, she didn't to anything..

Yn: don't come closer mr singh..!!

He was smirking then suddenly hiten secretary came inside.. y/n sigh in relief..

Secretary: what are you doing mr singh?

Shekhar: um.. nothing just asking help from miss y/n.

Yn took the opportunity and quickly runs from there..

In mall.

Everyone came for shopping.. Raha drag ridhi with her as yn didn't came today..

Irene: without yn, it's little boring.. isn't guys??

Rose: yes I agreed..

Jimin: yes she always speaks something ..

Taehyung: it's peace without her..

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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