Chapter. 1- Thus Spoke Sky.

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Angst, Violence, Death, Rape, abuse, trauma!



Narrator POV.

This was strange.

A young boy- or man depending on the legal age of your country- he was walking across stoned paved streets..

He tentatively poked his legs and shoes.. lightly smiling as he continued walking.

The sky didn't feel nearly as hot as it had been moments ago.. No. It felt hot.. It simply didn't burn.

He tapped his shoe on the stones beneath his feet..  It was solid. Real large stones cut into a road.. Not concrete nor tarmac nor dirt. Big stones, thay had been seemingly carved to perfection to fit a brick like pattern.. like in the pyramids. 

But then he glanced around at the obvious difference between.. Reality..

It was as if reality and fiction overlapped.

He could see bear-sized lizards pulling carriages on the main road, dust kicking up in the air as they passed with great speed.

He could see men and women.. That weren't quite women nor men..

Rather.. Inhumane.. Animalistic.. Yet retained the posture and poise of humans...

'Demi Humans.'

Yes, these were probably the only words that could describe them.

He could smell the air.. It was fresh, yet carried this Zoo-like stench.

And the air.. the atmosphere in general.. Felt simply lighter... Energized even.

This place was full of medieval architecture, one seemingly a bit more refined.. Like a victorian era that refined itself to its outmost peak.

Vendors and customers lined to the sides of the road as the lizard drawn carriages rushed by..

'This isn't my world.'

This thought settled in..

It didn't bring panic nor discomfort... Rather an odd sense of.. Amusement.

'Well.. this is weird..'

It was in fact... just... so very weird.!

This world.. and everything had this strange tinge of nostalgia. Familiarity...

'Its strangely... Familiar.'

As if seeing something he had seen before, in a distant dream... as if living through a.. 

Deja Vu.

'Huh.. This kind of reminds me of Rezero.'

Yes, it did seem to fit the overall aesthetic.

Demi beasts that did not exactly fall short of furriers.

'That girl has cat ears..'

Demi humans that where somehow cute by nature... 

'Man.. Those goat horns look kind of good on him.. and those biceps- damn.'

Demi humans that where cool and badass too.

And so..

He began to walk, aimlessly as he stared at the distant castle.

He could see countless humans that carried weapons.

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