Chapter 2

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Hiya! Updates may take a bit for family reasons and I hate to do that so early but I will really try!!

Also this book is based off a roleplay I had on shamchat with wattpad user 2P_Rue_B, So follow her and give her some credit! She was the Neko Eren in a freak show so I really owe most of this to her!



Levis POV

After I had made some food for Eren, Hanji, and myself. She had checked his wounds one last time before I oh-so-kindly kicked her out of my house for the night.

I was now sitting on the edge of the bed talking lightly with Eren.

"So is everything alright now?" I asked.

He nodded and smiled softly at me. "Yeah, I feel so much better now. Thank you so much for taking me in, Levi.. But I just wan't to know one thing." I looked at him in question. "Why me of all peopl- well, Freaks. Why would you take me in instead of just leaving me?" He asked, looking up at me.

I clenched my fists behind my back but kept a calm composer hoping the anger wasn't evident.

"Because, Eren. You just... I'm not sure. You were just different. I couldn't stand watching you cower back in your cage when you obviously look better smiling." I said blatantly. 

He blushes faintly at the compliment and nodded. "T-Thanks, Levi.."

I chuckled and ruffled his hair. "No problem, brat. You gonna be okay sleeping alone tonight?" I asked.

"Er.. I don't know.. It may take a while because its a new place and all.. But I should get a little sleep at least.." He said quietly.

I nodded then noted he was still in the filthy clothes from the show.

"Lets get you cleaned up a bit, Alright?"

He nodded and stood up as I re-wrapped his wound on his stomach in a water proof gauze, then helping him walk to the bathroom. "I'll leave some pajamas outside of the bathroom for when your done. There should be towels and such in there.. My room is right across from yours if you need anything, Okay?" 

He nodded and smiled. "Okay. Thanks again."

I smiled sadly and very faintly. "Eren, You really need to stop thanking me.. It was the right thing to do."

  And I can't lose you again..

He smiled again and nodded. "Alright, Its gonna be hard though. You basically saved me from hell." 

I hid how much that pained me and simply nodded. 

"Night, brat."

"Night, Levi."


Erens POV

I quickly stripped off the dirty clothes and turned on the shower, relieved to remember how and to have the warm water cascading down my back, washing off the dirt and grime from being stuck it that show for almost 10 years.

I scrubbed my hair clean and cleaned my body, careful to avoid the gauze and cuts, Then washed it off, walking out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my waist. I grabbed the clothes Levi had set out for me, just slipping on the pajama pants and leaving the shirt off, seeing it was uncomfortable with my bandages and cuts.

I walked down the halls and realized I forgot where my room was..

Half asleep and bored, I pushed open the closest door and walked in.

Freak show (Ereri Reincarnation AU)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon