S+Sh I need you

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-Authors note:

I know Char has told us that Shibara win't happen but I personally can't give up this good of a ship. I hope yall enjoy it.

TW: abuse + sexual abuse

(Third person)

Siobhan had been recieving an endless amount of messages from Roger demanding to know where she was. "Can't that man just fuck off and leave me alone for once?" Was what she was thinking. However she couldn't leave him, she had nowhere to go, no money, nothing if she left him so she had to stay with him. The blonde switched her phone to silent mode as she walked in the bar, being greeted by a sweet brunette lady.

"Hello ma'm," The brunette said taken away by the gorgeous blonde standing infront of her. "How are you today?" Siobhan tried to cut the small talk. "Fine, can I please get a table?" "Ofcourse miss, just follow me." The brunette led Siobhan to a table near the corner.

No one had ever noticed that Siobhan was struggeling in her relationship with Roger, all they saw was Siobhan being a gold digger but that was far from the truth. She had met the man on the golf course wilst on a date with one of her awefull boyfriends (now obviously an ex of hers). He seemed like a genuinly nice guy who had no intentions of harming her but just wanted to form a new friendship. He was always gentle with her untill she had told him about the breakup. At first he was there to comfort her but then he started touching her in inaproriate places. She had asked him to stop a thousend times but everytime she did, she saw a glint forming in his eye. He would first start with gently laying his hand on her leg, then move it slowly up her thigh and when she then asked him to keep his hands to himself he would loose it. He would move up her skirt and infiltrate her body with his hand. Then when he got bored of that he would give her no mercy and he would fircefully take her upstairs to give him his pleasure. She wanted to cry but didn't, she had done that before and it would only turn him on, making her experience even worse.

Siobhan asked the brunette for a margarita before she got lost in her thoughts, Riger would be absolutely fumming when she got back and she was fearing the endless hours of pain she had to endure. Sara could tell that the blonde was in a lot of pain, both physically and mentally. She came back to her table with a margarita and sat down next to her. "Are you alright?" Sara asked, putting her hand carefully on Siobhans, making her flinch and pull it away. "I'm fine." She said, her voice shaking. "I know it isn't my place to ask you but you seem like you need a hug or at least some place of comfort, can I help you by being that place of comfort? At least for this little while?" Siobhan was shocked at what she asked her, she didn't even know her and she knew she needed help, how could the others at the nursery not see it? "But I don't even know you." Siobhan was still shaken from everything that happened and she didn't want to let a stranger in so easily. "I am Sara, look, I just want to help you because the others might not see it but I know that deep down you're really strugeling." Siobhan sighed, Sara was right, she was having the hardest if times she has ever had and she had no one to go to all because of her own faults. "I'm Siobhan." She looked away from Sara, she couldn't let someone she barely knows help her, she wanted to let her but her brain just wouldn't let her. "That's a pretty name, what if we go out of the bar after my shift and talk in private? Just, standing next to my car or something?" Siobhans brain didn't want her to do that but out of instinct she nodded. Roger didn't have to know


biut half an hour after their last conversation they are stood outside leaning on the hood of Sara's car as Siobhan let it all out. Her brain told her not to but she had been holding back these tears for way to long. She cried but still didn't let Sara touch her. No matter how gentle her touch was it would still remind her of Roger. He had ruined her life. She no longer had controll over anything, what she did, how she did somethibg and most importnantly, her own body didn't even feel like hers. He used to be gentle at the start but when they got closer he trapped her. She was not just afraid of how rough he was, but also of other being gentle with her. She feared they would do the same to her, be gentle and kind at the start but then when they had her trapped in their love, remove the mask from their face and reveal their real personality.

Sara couldn't stand the sight of such a woman - who seemed like once a strong, powefull woman - be so broken all because of an insane pedophile who had nothing better to do in his life than to traumatize women. Who knows if he ever had kids, and if he had kids how horribly they had been raised.

She let Siobhan cry her heart out and rant about all the horrible things that man has done with her. She almost burted into tears herself but she felt like she had to hold them back for Siobhans sake. "Darling, it will be alright. Is there anywhere you can go to?" "Besides his house there is nowhere." "You can come to mine if you'd like?" Usually Sara only asked that when she wanted to get a woman in her bed but now she was asking it because she was genuinly concerned for the blonde sitting next to her. "Yes." Siobhan said sniffling. "Can I hug you Sara?" "Ofcourse darling, bring it in."

Siobhan didn't know what came over her as she just blurted out all of her problems with Roger for a stranger to hear, exept she didn't feel like Sara was a stranger. She let Sara touch her, hug her, be her safe space which she let no one else be.

They drove to Sara's house and when they entered a little black furrbal came running upto them. "This small one is Layla." She said picking her up whilst the little car kept looking at Siobhan. "She's adorable!" She said whilst lightly petting her. As she did so Layla began immidiatly purring to Sara's suprise. "Wow, you're the only one to make her purr so quick." The little furrbal made Siobhan forget about all of her problems, she just made her feel warm inside about how quickly she warmed upto her. Sara sat in the sofa and Siobhan snuggled upto her seeking comfirt in her touch. To her suprise Layla also snuggled up to Siobhan. "I know it's weird that I'm asking this but can I just stay with here forever?" Sara laughed at the random request, "Ofcourse Siobhan, stay as long as you wish."

"Anything you want to do tonight?" "Uhm I don't really know, we could watch tv?" "Ofcourse," Sara responds and she turns on the tv and switches it to Netflix. "Do you like bridgerton?" "Yes, ofcourse I do."

They spend the whole night cuddling as Siobhan is petting Layla causing her to purr. "You know, it suprises me how much she likes you. Usually she is really distand to everyone but me." "Geuss me and Layla already have a lot in common then." They bith laugh and Siobhan just snuggles further into Sara. "I really like you Sara." "So do I siobhan."

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