Made For Each Other. A summer romance

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A whole year had gone since that night; That night was one of the worst nights of my life. It was terrible. Heartbreaking. Horrible. Nightmares are caused by that one night. The night my life changed. The night things happened that no 16 year old should indure. It was the worst night of my life and nothing could change it. Nothing will take it away.

That night was the day my brother and my best friend got murdered.

Today was the day I moved in with my Aunt and Uncle. My parents decided it would be good for me too me to get away from there- from the place it all happened and maybe they were right, doesnt mean I liked it though. Or wanted too. So yeah, Im moving in with my Aunt and Uncle. Aunt Debbie and Uncle Steve from my mums side. I remember visiting them with Will and Kimmie, but last year we didnt because we thought we were too old to go spend our summer holidays with our Aunt and Uncle but maybe if we gone, things would be different. They wouldnt be gone. I wouldnt have been left here by myself without them. But I am.

"Dawnie your here!" Aunt Debbie said excitingly, coming over to give me a hug. Followed by Uncle Steve who gave me a bear hug; lifting me off the floor.

"Hey Aunt Debbie, Uncle Steve" I said smiling, lifting my bag higher on my shoulder.

"How was the trip?" Aunt Debbie asked, wrapping her arm around my shoulders dragging me in the house, I looked over my shoulder to my bags. "Dont worry about them Steve will get them or Wyatt." She said, not explaining who Wyatt was.

"The trip was good." I said to her, she asked how school was but I didnt answer. The wall by the staris caught my eye, there were lines marking the wall with names by the side. Mine, Will's and Kimmies names to be exact. I remember this, I always used to go off in a sulk because Will and Kim were always taller than me and then Uncle Steve would come out handing me a lolly saying that all good things come in small packages. The memory made me smile but always brung tears to my eyes, that would never happen again. Debbie noticed because she sighed sadly.

"We all miss them Dawnie." She said too me, I nodded to her not saying anything. No one missed them like me, I spent every minute with the two of them. Even when they were a couple it never stopped me, much to their annoyance sometimes.

She borught us into the kitchen settling me down at the table, looking over at the clock. "Its half four now, and dinner will be ready in about 50 minutes, so why dont you go settle in, look around abit then come down for dinner?" she said too me, I nodded taking the chance for a well needed and wanted shower. Rushing up there, I grabbed my bathromm stuff including my little friend, not even wondering how all my bags; all 7 of my bags and headed straight to the shower.

It was half five now and dinner was ready so heading down stairs I made sure my arms were covered my the long white sleeved shirt I was wearing. Their dinning table was in the kitchen were I had sat many times talking about everything and anything to anyone who was willing to listen. Sighing I walked in there to find Aunt Deb's, Uncle Steve and someone else who I couldnt see properly only that it was a he and he had blonde hair.

"Oh here you are Dawnie!" Aunt Debbie said with a smile. "Come sit, sit!" she said, making hand guesters for me to take a seat. There were normally 6 chairs, but two had been taken away. The guys were sitting on one side, while me and Aunt Debbie would be sitting opposite them, knowing Aunt Debbie liked to be opposite Steve, I took the one opposite the stranger. He had blonde hair, which covered his forehead, there was a little bit which flicked up. It was cute. He had tanned skin, one where it looked like he had just used to being out in the sun so it was due too that. He had blue eyes, and he was wearing a blue checked shirt which was unbuttoned leaving a white wife beater on show, you could tell he was well endowed in the chest area as his shirt clung to him. You could tell he was a cowboy, as he had one of those hats resting on the back of the chair.

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