My invisible friend

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My name is ally and I'm as lucky as can be because my best friend is always with me,

 His gold with a silver mane, glittery blue hoves, well that's what I see,

  but truefully his invisible , but not invisible to me.

His tale is purple his horn is pink and he has glass bells around his legs that go clinky te clink, 

he dance's he sings, he can jump to the sky almost looks like he can fly, 

but no one can see him his invisible you see, but not invisible to me. 

My sister says his imaginary, but I know that's not true, 

he comes from the land of invisible unicorns and his name is Drew. 

When I go to sleep we go to the land with deep blue seas and golden sands, 

there's unicorns of all different colours and size, I bet you wouldn't believe your eyes,

 but if you are lucky, lucky as can be maybe you could have a invisible friend like me, 

you see all you have to do is dream and he will be there.

 I wonder what yours will be Maybe a blue dancing bear?  Or a flying tiger, a colour changing dragon, 

who knows what he or she can do, 

but remember his invisible to everyone, well everyone but you.  

< thank you for reading! Sorry it's been so long, I got a little bit put off because I got a lot of bad comments about my spelling and it made me feel like a wally. I know my spelling and grammar are really bad, I do try. If anyone would like to help me edit this piece I would appreciate it. > 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2015 ⏰

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