The big white shark is afraid of the dark

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In the big blue ocean there's a big white shark And the big white shark is

afraid of the dark

How can a big white shark be afraid of the dark?

The other sharks would say he's a scaredy cat who only comes out in the day

Now the big white shark was very sad

The other fish thought he was scary and bad He was all alone all trough day

and when it was night he was hidden away

One sunny day he was swimming around

When he come across a fish that looked like a clown Hello little fish the

big white shark said The fish took one look and quickly fled

Feeling worse he kept on swimming

Then he swim'd right into a turtle race and a snail was wining Hello little

snail can I race with you The snail looked up,he was greeted by teeth and

sped up as fast as he could into the reef With dust in his face big white

shark was sad an low full of grief

He dusted him self off and turned around suddenly realised he had gathered a

crowed The big white shark didn't know what todo so he looked at them and

just went boo!

Everything went quite in the big blue sea then all of a sudden it was full

of he he's Your not scared of me? The big white shark said, all the sea

creatures shook there head Your not scary not even at all,said a little red

crab whos name was crawl He was the happiest shark there has ever been now

every one knew he wasn't scary and mean Come and play with us the sea

creatures said,oh no it's getting dark the big white shark fled.

The big white shark swim'd as fast as he could he hidden in a ship covered

in rust and mud He was scared so he covered his eyes then all of a sudden

heard a voice an was surprised Don't be scared a jelly fish said the big

white shark opened his eyes everything was light red Then all of a sudden

more colours where a glow Greens,blues and yellow every colour you know

All sorts of sea creatures where a light They took away the darkness it was

such a delight The big white shark was so happy then up bounced crawl the

little crabby There's no need to be afraid of the dark, big white shark the

little crab said, We all thought you was scary but you not instead.

In the big blue ocean there's a big white shark And the big white shark

plays with his friends when it's dark

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