Chapter 87

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Rosalie's POV


I stand in the graveyard, staring at this tombstone.

In Loving Memory of...

Rosalie Lillian Hale

Born March 12, 1915

Died April 18, 1933

Aged 18 years old

Beloved daughter of Thomas and Margaret Hale

As I stand in front of my grave, memories of that time began to flash.

From the moment that ruined my life to the moment I claimed the lives of the ones who ruined me.

I remember watching my own funeral from a distance.

It's a surreal thing, you know.

It's something that made becoming a vampire all the more real to me.

The defining moment I realized that my dream.....was over.

I remember hating myself. I remember hating the face that everyone admired and envied. I remember hating that a monster could be a  beautiful work of art.

I hated my life back then.

And if it weren't for Esme, I would have figured out how to end it.

Finding Emmett that was the greatest blessing I could have received.

Even though I pushed him away at first, he never gave up on me and I'm so glad he didn't.

The following half century was the brightest years of my life. I felt happy and content, despite of the longing for that dream that died the night I was left for dead.

I glance at the patch of dirt that was a few rows ahead.

Once upon a time, a large headstone was there with Royce's name.

I destroyed it of course and for a long time, I would destroy and headstone placed there when I was in town.

The thought of sharing a cemetery with him was disgusting.

If could dig up his remains and burn them to ashes, I would.

I place some flowers on my headstone and trace the engraved words.

I stay for a few more minutes before leaving.

I've been visiting this place quite frequently these past few days.

I don't know why I have. I just felt the urge to go.

I walk onto the main sidewalk, putting on my shades.

I raise my hand up to the sun, feeling its warmth.

I can't remember the last time could do this.

Be out in the daylight without sparkling like a disco ball.

Iris.....she's truly amazing isn't she.

To be able to tailor a body suit that would block the sunlight from coming into contact with our cells using nanotechnology.

Amazing, isn't it?

Imagine what we could do with this technology. The places we'd be able to see.

We wouldn't have to hide anymore....

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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