Chapter 1:

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I wake up to the sound of my alarm echoing throughout my room, I turn it off while at the same time seeing its 6 am in the morning. Why do I wake up so early when my classes start at 8:30? Because my mom decided she was tired of being a stay at home mom and said that I was old enough to help my brothers in the morning so that she could work. So now it's time to get up and wake up my smaller brothers. When  get to their rooms I see them fast asleep looking like angels,  but when awake they are nothing like angels. Once I wake them up I go into our hallway bathroom to use the restroom and wash my face and brush my teeth. I then go into my room to get changed. I put on some dark washed jeans with a loose tribal print shirt. I then just wet my hair a little bit and put some moose in it and brush it since today I'm just wearing it natural. I go check on my brothers and see that they are already changed and eating breakfast I tell them to hurry since it's already time for them to start walking to school. They go get there backpacks and give me a kiss on the cheek before they leave for school. Once they leave I lock the door since you never know what could happen and then go back to my room. Once in my room I just start putting all my books and pencils into my backpack. I sit on my bed and start checking Twitter to see if I have any new notifications and to see whats trending. I then get a text from my friend

Maddie: I'm outside your house waiting for you

Me: Kay i'm coming.

I then get my stuff and head out the door.

Once at school I start walking to my first period class and on the way I see a cute guy walk by me and he just smiles so I do the same. 

The day went by painfully slow, but finally I'm at my favorite class which is Nutrition and Wellness. I enter the class and take out my phone to see a new message from my friend and I start reading it. Once we are all seated Mrs. Guy tells us that we have a new student and I look up and see that it was the same kid I saw while walking to my first period class. She then says ''Penelope raise your hand" I do as told then she tells the new kid to go sit next to me since the other kid that sat next to me transferred. I then get another text from my friend and start checking it.

 The new kid sits next to me and asks "So your names Penelope?" I look up and then say '' yeah and yours?''  ''umm... weren't you listening when the teacher introduced me and said my names Shawn?" Kind of embarrassed I say " No, sorry I wasn't paying attention." He doesn't have time to respond since the teacher starts telling us what we were going to cook for the day. She tells us that we were going to work with our partners and bake cookies. She then gives us the recipe and tells us to go to our stations and start working since we would only have an hour to make them. Once at our stations Shawn asks " Are you good at baking?" "umm...  I'm not sure but I can follow a recipe" he starts chuckling and then tells me that we should start baking.  At the end of class we end up with some decent looking cookies that surprisingly tasted good. The bell rings and we head out the door to our next class.

I get to my next class which is art and I sit with my group. When the final bell rings Mr. Johnson tells us that we have a new student and I look up and see that once agian that new student is Shawn. Mr. Johnson tells him to sit in our group since we were only 3 and needed 1 more. " For 3 weeks we will be working on a very important project" Mr.  Johnson says, "It will consist of you working in your groups to draw on a 40x60 inch canvas to show you going against a social issue." 
One of our group members named Jack asks" About what kind of social issue? "
"Whichever one you want it to be but I just want 4 ideas sketched out on your sketch pads by tomorrow"
We all groan and complain saying we need more time but he says "That's why you are in groups so you'll have more ideas,  now stop complaining and Start brainstorming or I'll add more work" And with that we all start brainstorming with our group. By the end of class we have our 4 ideas done with and ready to present. Since we were done with our assignment we started playing a game made up by one our group member named Ana called would you rather.  When it was Shawn's turn he asked me " Would you rather kiss me or Jack?" thinking about it for a while I finally answered "Jack"  because ever since the 10th grade I had a small crush on him.  I then look over to Jack and see him blushing?  Then I look at Shawn and see him shocked but with a tiny bit of anger on his face and I instantly feel bad for picking Jack,  but what can I say Jack is really cute.  The bell rings signaling that we only have to 5 minutes until the bell to go home rings,  so we started  putting up our stuff and packing up our sketchbooks into our backpacks.
When the bell rings I go to the library to wait for my friend Maddie. When she gets to me she starts telling me about a new kid she has in her class and how much she liked him and how she thinks that she  was starting to develop a crush on him . She keeps on rambling on about him but I don't pay much attention since I couldn't get  Shawn's shocked face out of my mind when I said that I would rather kiss Jack than him. She then stops me from walking and whispers into my ear "That's him!!!!  That's the boy I'm talking about!  Isn't he cute?" When I look over to see who she is pointing to I'm shocked when she is pointing to Shawn and starts waving at him and he surprisingly waves back at her.

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