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I gazed at moms eyes as I held her hands "Mom I want to ask you something"I said sincerely

Mom looked at me softly "Yes sweetie?"my mom asked smiling

"Why are we different to other people?why?" I asked curiously

"...." My mom didn't reply for a second "it's because God gave us special gift that humans don't have".

"Then if we're not human what are we mom?" I said with death in my eyes


"Don't you want some pancakes Mae?" My mom asked with a bitter smile, her face almost as pale as a ghost...

"Of course I do" I said joyfully at mom


I grabbed mom's wrists "Mom can you read me a bedtime story?" I said pleading

"Of course sweetie" my mom said joyfully

After mom thought she put me to sleep, she went straight to dad but I followed her, I hid behind the door

Mom turned to dad as she crossed her arms "I told you it will affect her" my mom said angrily

"She has to know about her powers besides we quit along time ago".

Mom threw the vase beside her "I want her to live a ordinary human life!" My mom shouted at my dad

Dad picked up the broken vase gently "Since when is she born human? Since when are we born human?".

"I was human back then it if weren't for you!" My mom said fumming with anger

"So you wished we never met" dad said with death in his eyes

"Yes I wish we have never met I wouldn't have to suffer this much and I wouldn't have a nuisance!!" My mom said without any hesitation, as soon as she said those words I cried, they noticed me as i looked into there eyes and took a step backwards

I ran to my room crying in despair, there eyes looked like I was a mistake to them

Mom turned to dad her nose fuming with anger "This is all your fault" mom said to dad angrily

A sarcastic laugh came out "How is it my fault I thought you put her to sleep!" Dad said

Mom never wished to meet dad and I'm just a nuisance
I fell asleep my tears still falling down my cheeks


I kept ignoring my parents I refused to go out of my room for days I refused to eat I refused to talk to them until


"Sweetie me and your dad are getting a divorce" mom said with a low voice as I opened the door and saw mom with a sad face.

"Then I'll go with dad" I said as I closed the door, they were getting a divorce? It feels like it's my fault... I hate myself

"Mae its your 12th birthday tomorrow I want to spend time with you" mom said as I covered myself with my blanket

"I don't want to " I said still angry at her

The next day I moved out with dad, my life took another turn, mom was no longer there to serve my food, she was no longer there to cook my pancakes, she was no longer by my side...

8 years had passed by

I didn't expect what I was gonna face when I returned home from school, i was shocked when dad was lying down into the floor with pills in his hands

"Da-dad!" I screamed in horror seeing dad so pale, I immediately called the ambulance as they took dad to the hospital, I was waiting outside in his room as I saw a familiar face walking towards me, then suddenly those words reapeted again in my head "your just a nuisance... a nuisance... nuisance".

Mom stared at me, wanting to hug me "Hi sweetie" she said his eyes about to burst

"Don't call me that" I got up as the doctor came "is my dad okay?" I asked worriedly

"Yes he is in a coma because he took a lot of pills" the doctor said

I got in to dad's room and looked into his pale face, my mom came running into the room and hugged dad

"I'm sorry for leaving you bob I'm really really sorry" my mom's tears kept falling down her beautiful face, I couldn't stop myself but feel guilty to my mom


"Please don't call me that last time I checked your not my mother anymore" I walked passed her as I cradle dad

"Okay then, I'll take you home " mom said smiling, but the moment she smiled I had a flashback of their fight

"No thank you, stop acting nice I know you hate me deeply" I said not letting her speak, I left her in the hall and found myself walking down the streets, as I accidentally bumped into someone

"sorry" the person and I spoke at the same time, then we laughed, suddenly I saw mom

"Stay away from that girl Mae!" Mom shouted from afar, as I held the unfamiliar persons hands.

"So uhh what's your name?"I asked the person not noticing mom

"Jana" Jana said happily "yours?".

"Mae"I said as we exchanged numbers, then Jana was called by her parents and left, then mom walked up to me, the ground beneath us trembled as I tried to hold my breath.

"Mae i told you not to talk to her!" Mom said as she grabbed my wrist

"Don't act like you care" I said rolling my eyes as I took the bus, I watched mom just staying still in her place



I was awakened by my phone buzzing and buzzing

I grabbed my phone "Hello" I yawned

"It's you" Jana said "I'm sorry for calling you this early but you still don't know what you are" she said hanging up on me

"wait!!" I kept on screaming at my phone

"WHAT AM I?"my mind keep repeating the words she said, what could it mean?

"WHO AM I?" My thoughts said as i kept thinking about what Jana had said.

then I had a flashback "then what are we mom?" what really am I? My mind had thousands of questions the question that only mom could answer I shook off the thoughts and got straight to dad's hospital

I was walking towards dad's room as I saw mom, I wanted to ask her "What am I mom?" my brain echoed, but I felt guilty of how I treated her the past few years so I didn't ask her...



My phone was buzzing in the middle of the night "who is this".

"it's me" Jana said as I immediately got up

"Ja-jana?" I asked

"yes I know you have a lot of questions in your head, meet me tomorrow at the hospital where your dad is 8:40 am don't be late"she said dead serious I set a timer in my phone and was preparing my questions for her... But wait how did she knew where my dad is? How did she knew where the hospital is? How did she knew that I go there? How?



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