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"sister??"I asked her as I started laughing "your pranking me again right?"I said as I reassured myself

"I am your sister you can ask your mom if you want but please don't ignore me I don't want to drift away from you"she said as she hugged me

"Don't touch me!"I said as I pushed her so hard that she hit her head "oh i-i-im so sorry"I said as I run crying

"Wait"she said as she caught up with me

"I'm sorry but I can't talk to you right now"I said as I left ..I went straight to dad's hospital room "why didn't you tell me that I have a half sister all this time I thought you only loved me!"I shouted at dad but he didn't respond"I hate this freaking f*cking life!"I shouted as someone knocked

"You know the truth now do you?"mom asked worriedly

"So what I wish I have never been born why didn't you tell me that I have a half sister?"I asked non angrily

"Mae it was a mistake"mom said reassuring me

"So Jana is a mistake I thought you'd know better mom I never thought you could stoop this low!"I said as I left for the bathroom i threw the family picture I have been keeping for months then I started walking around the park

"You okay?"a familiar voice asked me with a low voice I looked up then I saw imoogi

"What do you want?"I said as I wiped my tears away

"You"he said as he winked at me I started laughing at him then he looked at me worriedly and said "tell me"

"Why should I?"I teased him then I giggled

"Because I want to"he said as I stood there in surprise

"But I don't"I said as I started walking away but he grabbed my hand an i slipped but he caught me just in time I stared at his lips wanting to kiss it

"Do I look attractive?"he asked as I started blushing

"Uhm..uh pu-put me down"I said stuttering as he let go of me

"I won't ask you anymore"he said as he winked the left

"Why is my heart racing so fast?"I asked myself then tapping my cheeks "why am I so red?gosh"

"Maybe you like him"a unfamiliar voice said but with a familiar face

"Oh my god your Jana's boyfriend!!?"I asked him excitedly"oh Jana"I said in a low sad voice

"I'm harry and the guy you met is ren it's his true name"he said to me as he walked away

"This is a weird day"I said as I got home and kept thinking if Jana is really my sister "why didn't they tell me?"I kept asking mysekf repeatedly not wanting to see any of them I only want to be alone I got home then slept


"Who's calling again??"I asked angrily then answered my phone "who is this?"I asked half asleep

"Your dad woke up!"the caller said and I immediately got ready to go to dads hospital

"Is he okay?"I asked worriedly

"Yes"the caller said as I hung up I drove myself to dad's hospital room there I saw him sitting in his bed I hugged him tight tears falling down my cheeks but something echoed in my voice

"I'm your sister". Janas voice said repeatedly in my mind "I have something to ask you dad"I said in a serious voice

"What is it?"dad asked curiously

"Is Jana really my sister?"I asked him as he looked at me in surprise

"Uhm...I.."he struggled to answer my question I looked at him with my face sad

"Why dad aren't me and mom enough for you?"I asked him my eyes wanting to burst

"It's not like that Mae"dad said reassuring me

"Then what!?"I shouted at him angrily

"It's just....just Jana"dad paused his words and I looked at him angrily

"Just what dad?"I asked dhim angrily as someone entered the room it was Jana

"Ma-mae?"Jana asked me sadly

"What are you doing here?"I asked her then pushed her aside "live happily ever after with my dad"I said as I started walking off

"It's not like that Mae"Jana said to me with a worried voice

"Then what?"I asked her angrily

"It's just..."she paused then she looked at me sadly "just..."

"Just what!???"I shouted at her

"Your mom and dad never had a divorce...because my dad..I mean our dad is married to my mom"she said angrily at me and I stood still in my spot my lips were steady my feet trembling "i-im sorry"Jana said in a sad voice

"I-i need time to process all of this!"I said as I pushed her aside I bumped into someone as I looked up I found myself slapping the person

"Mae?"mom said in disbelief

"Don't-dont come near me"I said as I covered my face then got home I couldn't stop crying because my dad is a cheater "I'm not actually the legal daughter"I said to myself as I smashed the picture of me and dad together "I want to die"I said as I grabbed a rope then tied it around my neck as I was about to commit suicide someone saved me just in time

"What are you doing??"a worried voice said brushing off my hair

"Re-ren?"I asked unsurely

"I never thought you'd know my name"ren said as he got up and offered me a hand
"Why are you doing stuff like's not the end of the world"he comforted me with a sweet voice and I ended up telling him everything that had happened between me and Jana and how dad was a liar and a cheater.

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