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My head spun around as I stumbled upon a mysterious was quiet almost too quiet..the place was full of enigmatic possessions..  it was bleak and haunting for me..

"Hello there".

I was taken a back from the perplexing voice "w-who's there!?".

"I am you".

What is he saying?or should I say she.."what? I-i don't understand you.." I backed away from the my mouth tremble and my eyes widening.

"You shall not fear me..we are one of a kind" the exotic voice echoed through the whole forest.. I dont understand.. I think I could not..

I desisted myself from walking.. while a glistening light continue to take over..

 while a glistening light continue to take over

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"You shall not fear me.. because I am apart of you".

My eyes widen as I kneel down with griefness "I have been waiting for you".

"I know why.. this is why I came to remind you..never fall in love".

A glint of light burn inside my eyes.. my eyes leisurely opened as my eyes roamly wandered to the place..the nine tailed fox was gone.. I'm no longer in the magical forest.. I'm in my room..

A sudden knock interrupted my implusive thoughts..I got up and saw Marcus..

"Sorry for coming here unannounced"he entered my room, then he sat down to my bed..

I stared at him blankly as I sat down beside him "what's wrong?".

He stared at me his eyes emotionless "don't ever come near ren" he said in a serious voice, he held my hands slowly making me feel  dumbfounded "we are getting married soon".

My eyes burst as Marcus consoled me "I-i don't want to get married Marcus" Marcus stared at me with death in his eyes..

He kneel down infront of me as his hands wiped off my tears "ren doesn't deserve you".

"What do you mean?did something happen to him?"my heart started aching..did something really happen to ren?...I can't just stand here and wait.

Marcus grabbed my hands making me stumble "no..nothing happened to ren" he stood up infront of me..making me feel anxious.

I glared at nose raging red "Marcus please" I started begging as he clung into me.

"Please doesn't love you" I started keening as I kept on hitting Marcus..his words stung in my heart as I kept on hitting him..I started panting , then everything around me obfuscated..I conked out..I heard Marcus shouting for help as I felt his frigid arms wrapped around my entire body..

I opened my eyes slowly , I saw Marcus and my family..but my eyes were only looking for him.

"A-are you okay?" Mom's voice shown worriedness as I looked at me with his eyes about to burst.. I felt guilty for each passing moment.

Marcus stared at me, then reaching for my hand "we need to talk  alone please"Marcus looked at mom and dad his eyes pleading, mom and dad nooded, then they left.

"What do you want?"a feeling of apprehensiveness swept through my lungs, he held my hands then he looked at me softly.

"Mae.. ren doesn't love you.. so just accept me" my eyes widen as I slowly let go of Marcus elegant hands.. I held his cheeks making him feel better.

"Ren may not love me, but I love him Marcus".

Marcus looked at me his eyes about to burst his hot breath hits against my face "bu-but Mae.. can't you accept me I-i love you".

"If you love me then you'll let me go Marcus" I held his hands gently as he started bawling.. my heart ached when I see someone hurt because of me..

His eyes softened as he cradle me tight "place me a special place in your heart Mae" he said with a low voice then he left.. my eyes started bursting, my heart aching every minute I remembered Marcus.. I do love him but only as a friend.. I'm not ready to let someone I love go.

A few hours later

My mind spun in circles as my tears kept on falling.. my parents entered my room as they both hugged me tightly.. for the first time in years I felt safe.

"We're sorry Mae, we didn't know your going through this because of us... We're really sorry Mae".

I smiled softly as they both tried to console me "I'm okay, don't worry about me" mom and dad exchange glances as my eyes stood still.

Mom held my hands softly as I stared at her emotionless "Mae we will worry beacause your our daughter, and we love you" mom's words stung in my heart.. mom loves me, dad loves me, Marcus loves me, ren... doesn't

"Mom, dad" they both looked at me as I held they're hands "bring me a pen and a paper please" they looked at me baffled but they did what I said.

Dearest Ren,

This letter is a little difficult to write, but I feel it's important to be honest with you, and with myself. I've been carrying these feelings for a while now, and I can't keep them bottled up any longer.

The truth is, Ren, I love you. It's not just a fleeting crush or a passing fancy. It's a deep, genuine affection that has blossomed over time. I love your kind heart, your witty humor, and the way you make me feel seen. You have a way of understanding me like no one else, and I feel truly comfortable and myself around you.

I love the way you make me laugh until my sides hurt, the way you listen intently when I talk, and the way you always know how to make me feel better when I'm down. You're a truly special person, and I cherish every moment we spend together, whether it's a simple conversation over coffee or a grand adventure exploring a new city.

However, I also understand that love isn't always reciprocated. And that's okay. I would never want to pressure you or make you feel uncomfortable. My feelings for you are genuine, but I respect your feelings, whatever they may be.

If you don't feel the same way, I understand. Please don't feel obligated to return my feelings. My happiness doesn't depend on your love. I'm happy just knowing you're in my life, even if it's just as a friend.  I value our friendship immensely, and I wouldn't want to lose that.

I'm writing this because I need to be honest with myself and with you. I hope this doesn't change our relationship, but if it does, I'll understand.  I want you to know that I'll always be here for you, no matter what.

With love and respect,


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