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The sun peeked through the curtains, casting a golden glow over my room. "Ugh, Mr. Sun, why do you come so early?" I muttered, burying myself deeper into the covers. "Never mind, just five more minutes."

Ethan, you have responsibilities

"Good morning to me," I sighed, finally deciding to get up. Today was Siya's first day at Princeton, and knowing her, she was probably still sleeping. "Siya, it's 8 am!" I yelled as I knocked on her door. No answer. "Wake up, Siya!"

I entered her room cautiously, only to find it empty. Panic started to rise. "Where is Siya? She's not really a morning person," I thought, trying to calm myself down. "Don't think like that". "What if she—"

"Good morning, brother," a familiar voice interrupted from behind.

"Where were you?" I asked in relief.

"Guess," she giggled.

"Siya!" I exclaimed. "Before you come at me, it's my first day at Princeton, so I got up early, took a bath, got dressed, and then I went to the riverside."

"You should've told me," I said, slightly annoyed.

"I'm sorry," she apologized.

"Prepare yourself for today. I'm making breakfast for you."

She stormed off to her room, slamming the door. Today was a big day for her, finally getting into her dream college after so much hard work. I was so proud of my sis. The day would be so much better if Mom and Dad were here, but I'm trying my best to be a mom and dad for Siya.

I picked up a bowl to prepare fillings for sandwiches. "Ouch!" I exclaimed as I accidentally cut my own finger. Being a psychiatrist, I'm being so clumsy and overthinking. I think I need to give myself some counselling.

"Ethan!! Where's my hair tie?" she yelled from her room.

"It's in the white drawer," I replied.

"And my pens?"

"You'll find them in my bag. I got you new ones."

"Thank you, Ethieee," she teased.

"Stop calling me Ethieee—"


"What happened, Siya?" I rushed to her side.

"I fell! Come here and lift me up," she said, her voice a mix of frustration and humor.

Gosh, this clumsy ass what would she do without me?

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