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  I unlocked the door to my house rather quickly, discovering we were completely alone. I was blushing really bad. "Do you wanna finish our dance?" Danny offered. I nodded, a little smile coming to my lips. "What song was on the speakers? A Thousand Years?" She smiled softly as she put it on. Her arms found my waist and mine found her neck. We slowly danced with the music and I held close to her, no one was watching, we were alone.

   After we finished our song, we cuddled on the floor listening to soft music. A little while later, I started to shred out of my dress, the heels were killing me. I went to go take off my makeup and I heard Danny following me. "You know you're perfect right? you don't need some product from a factory to hide your natural beauty. As a great woman once said, 'The beauty in the eyes, lies within the heart of a girl.' " "Who said that?" I asked, trying desperately to get off my eyeliner. "I did." "What's it mean?" "The beauty you truly see on the outside of a girl, all starts from the heart. Anyone could have cute dimples, or long eyelashes," she poked one of my dimples. "but, the heart is what makes a girl beautiful." I smiled and gave her a hug around the waist.

    When my mom came home, she looked disappointed. "Awe. Why did you take off your dress before I could take more pictures when I got home?" a frown came to her lips. "You try dancing in heels all night long." She smiled and tossed us skittles. "Oh my god yes!" I caught my pack and handed Danny hers. I shut my door and sat back on the floor. "My god this is better then sex!!!" I giggled. "What?" Danny raised an eyebrow at me. "Not from experience." "Oh...then we'll have to change that." she smirked and jokingly pinned me to the floor. "No!! Rape!!!" She giggled and kissed my nose.

     When we got in bed, we were spooning. Danny the little spoon, I reached up and turned the light off. "Good night babe." She kissed my hand. "Night Sweetheart."

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