Spirits part 2

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Vincent POV

"Oh hey gold... I was just having some fun with little y/n here~" he punched me harder and grabbed her clothes and carried her bridal style then ran.

"Hey what are you doing?!"

He didn't look back nor hesitate he ran off and I stood there alone. I grabbed my clothes and put them on.

"What the hell was his problem? Hopefully he didn't change his mind about anything. I flipped up the camera and looked around, "where are you?"

Goldy POV

I punched him hard and he turned around.
"Oh hey gold... I was just having some fun with little y/n here~" I had it. I punched him ever harder. He was on the floor. I grabbed y/n's clothes and picked her up off the floor bridal style and ran off.

"Hey what are doing?!" Vincent yelled. I ignored him and saw the presents stacked on each other. I looked up and saw an opening in the ceiling. I threw her clothes in the ceiling and then climbed up the presents as fast, but gently as I could. As soon as I put y/n in I climbed in as well. I heard the camera turn on. Just in time. Y/N was blushing madly and was still tied up. I blushed when I saw her again. She looked away. I ripped off the duct tape and handed her the clothes. I turned the opposite direction and waited for her to change.

"Okay I'm done." I turned around and saw her fidgeting with her hands.

"Uh... okay... uhm are you okay?" Tears stung her eyes, and she began to cry. I pulled her into a hug and she had her hands craddled against her chest. But I hugged her either way. She cried in my and we stood there for about 2 minutes.

"Thank you... G-Goldy..."

"Your welcome." She wiped her tears away, "and I got them to help us... they're coming in 20 minutes."

"Good. Because the asshole really deserves it now... I'm so sorry I didn't make it sooner."

"Its okay... you didn't know."

"But it is my fault that I left you alone. I should've stayed with you the whole time."

"No Goldy don't blame yourself. Its fine. I mean it." I put my head down looking at the floor. I felt a cold hand in my cheek. She looked into my eyes and hugged me. I returned it, "now. Lets get the plan up and running." I nodded. She took my hand and we got to work.


The only way I was going to ask the phantoms to help me is by getting caught by one. Balloon boy was standing on front of a camera probably waiting for Vincent to switch to it. But before that happened I pulled B.B aside and he looked at me confused and angry.

"Hey what's the big deal?! Wait who are you?!"

"I'm y/n... and that guy there is Vincent -"

"You mean the one that murdered us?"

"Yes him and I need your help to lure him in the Spring lock suit."

"Thats dangerous! You know there are leaks in here and...oh.... I see...."

"Yes. I need your help to tell the other phantoms. And when you're done... tell them to meet us outside the forbidden room." His eyes widened.

"Okay... I'll get to it."

"And tell the phantoms not to attack him. Thats the last thing we need."

"Got it. See you then."

He disappeared and I left going back to meet up with Goldy. I saw him waiting for me and I ran up to him.

"The plan is in motion."

"Alright... they're here..."


"The others..."

"Contact them... tell them to wait out there. Can you somegow go out there to them? We need to get to them."

"Yes! And you can also come with me."

"Wait what?" He touched my arm and a bright flash appeared. We were outside the attraction. There was Bonnie who had a huge Mega adenalin rush, Freddy who seemed paranoid, Foxy who looked like he had...., and Chica who was practically the normal one. Foxy, Bonnie, Chica, and Freddy saw us. They approached us and then turned to goldy each giving him a hit in the face.


"You deserved it. We almost died in a fire." They glared at him.

"But that's over. Right now we need to deal with Vincent."


"Yeah. Lets just continue."

We all gathered around and planned every single thing we were going to do. Since vincent still thought that we were on his side. We were going to make chica..... and Freddy, Bonnie do.... then Freddy would.... and..... sprits plan is a go. We all agreed and appeared in the attraction once again.

Lets do this.

End of chapter... okay guys. In the next chapter something is going to happen to little old Vincent. Alright guys. Sorry about the short chapter. I just wanted to put all the action in the next chapter. Which will probably be the last part of Spirits. Alright bye guys.

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