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Stuff has been going on  in my personal life and I just don't feel happy lately...

My dad bought a pool table and didn't tell me.

He doesn't care about me. All he cares about is impressing my step family -.-

He lied to my brother and I our entire lives.

Who lies to their children?


Oh, right, my father.

I feel very betrayed.

Why cant he just be honest with me?

I take no one's bull crap.

I see through his lies.

I now know what he meant when he said: "You act just like your mother!"

I may look like him but I'm just like my mom.

I'm sorry. I just needed to vent.

I just want to scream.

I don't feel like I'm apart of my family anymore :/

Sometimes I wake up and they're all gone.

They only leave me because they and I quote "Don't want to interrupt my sleep"

What type of excuse is that?!

I'm so done.

He tries to act like he's perfect but he isn't -.-

My mother told me the truth.

You wanna sugar coat it because you want to appear perfect.

Excuse me? You're not.

Here's a fact about my dad. . ..He used to be addicted to drugs.

Shocked? He wears dentures now due to that.

*lets out a long sigh*

I had to let this out.

I had to tell someone.


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