Chapter 2

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Michael's pov♥

After school I met up with Lakelynn and Calum so we can all walk to Calums house.

We all decided to take the long way home so we traveld through the forest.

Calum and Lakelynn were pushing each other so I end up putting earphones in and listening to Cool for the Summer by Demi Lovato the queen.

Don't judge or I will come over there and shave your hair off. It was so nice out here but when winter comes to a snowy point it going to be freezing!

Someone pulled my earphone out I thought it was Calum so I almost hit him till I realised it was my girlfriend.

"Have you been listening to what me and Calum were saying about the party."

I look and their both staring at me " No. Sorry?"

They both roll their brown eyes and I can swear they are twins that got separated at birth. They both start to explain the thing they were talking about.

@- Cal Pal's house -@

"So I was thinking when my parents go on that business trip, I steal the keys to the summer house, go have the party, then after we clean we can spend the winter break there so we don't have to deal with a frostbite on our asses." I layed out my plan to them.

"Yeah im onboard how bout you L?" Calum asked Lakelynn.

We look over were she was and she looked deep in thought.

"Lakelynn?" She seemed suprised then said "uh... yeah? Yeah...that..that sounds g-good. Im going to go to the bathroom" with that she left.

"That was weird" Calum said after a moment of silence. I was about to answer when I got that feeling. That feeling of being watched. I walk to the window to see a black thing go across the lawn.

"Are you ok-MIKEY!" I was dashing out the glass back door. I was not about to let this person go.

People always think I'm lazy because I play video games all day, but jokes on them I was on the cross country team in middle school. Fastest one on the team run past anybody.

Michael your getting of topic pay attention. I see the shadow dart around the corner. When reach the corner there is a dead end. Well shit! I just lost my stalker. But I still feel this burning feeling of eyes on the back of my head.


Calum called me crazy. He said I shouldn't run at midnight I could get kidnapped.

I chuckled at that, if only he knew. So he told me the next time i decide to run tell him so he can be my body guard.

I laughed so hard i started to 'manly' giggle. Calum can barley stare down a a kitten before running away. We end up planing all night and listening to Nickleback and passing out on Mali's bed. Don't ask.


I woke up tied to a chair. When I look up i notice im in a room. There was a dim light showing the outlines of objects in the room. I was getting very nervous so I nervously chuckled " Cal this isn't funny come untie me right now" I see 2 shawdows moving In the corner. Then a tall blonde walked out of the shadows. Followed close behind was a curly haired man. The blonde was around 6ft 5 and had on all black, his hair was pressed under a black snapback , a sexy lipring on the corner of his mouth. The only color there is in them is there eyes, the blondes a electric blue and curly fries is a mossy green. Curly fry had on all black even the bandana he wore was black. His hair was a dirty blonde.

They started to circle me. The the blonde leaned down and whispered " all the things we want to do to that pretty little ass of yours. " curly then turned the lights on and I looked around the room to find all kinds of sex toys on the floor. They started to advance on me and then it hit me. I'm going to lose my submissve virginity to these 2 wierdos. I started screaming but nothing came out. Curly stuck his hand down the front of my boxers and Blondie stuck his hand down the back. Silent tears were rolling down my face as I let them invade my body.

Then I woke up


(AN/ I can't right anything long, like I don't know how people do it so, sorry.)

Stalkers Desires ~ muke/mashton ~ boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now