Chapter 1

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Roy and Riza sat in their prison cell somewhere underground in Drachma. They were captured by Drachma soldiers during their mission, and now they were war prisoners. Roy had in his pocket a small silver charm for Riza. With the tiny piece of chalk he had left, he drew a transmutation circle and transmuted it. He knew he didn't have much longer until they came for him. So as Riza slept, he slid it into her hand, and closed her fingers over it.
Riza woke as the guards came for Roy. She looked at him one last time with sadness in her eyes, knowing that she would never see him again. She looked down at the charm Roy had left with her. When she opened it, it's light lit up the whole cell. Her blood was dried on the floor from when they had beaten her originally.
She clutched it before falling into a deep sleep yet again.

When she awoke she looked at the charm closer. It was a silver heart that opened. Roy had linked his life to the light inside, so the light would get dimmer as he died. She vowed to always keep this charm with her.
She sat alone in her dark prison cell. Roy had been taken from her, she didn't think she had ever felt this alone before. Down the hall she heard a gunshot followed by a scream. She sighed as a tear began to form in her eye. It was probably Roy. She opened the charm, and sure enough, the light was fading. It had lit up the entire cell before. Now it barely lit her face. When the light completely faded, the charm disappeared, but in its place, a silver ring. Riza could barely see, but she saw words engraved on the ring band. They read- " Be strong, Remember me, I love you." The ring had a small diamond flame. She slid the ring on her finger and vowed to keep it with her. She heard the guards coming down the hall. She was next. She knew what was coming. Torture, rape, a life of slavery and physical work. Whatever it was, she was ready. She would be strong. She had Roy's strength now. He would be her guardian until she died. But when she did, they would be reunited in a happier place. And she would still have the ring.

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