Letter 6

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Dear Kiran,

Thank you so much for the birthday presents. It’s been a long time since I’ve received one. I love your drawing - as I thought, you’re so talented.  

Please thank your mom for me. I’ve actually been eyeing on this one! You two must be psychic. 

I’m too quiet to be noticed as someone dateable. Chocolates make me feel sick anyway. I’d prefer something priceless for a Valentine’s gift - something that would be more permanent than a chocolate.

You work as a waiter? You must be handsome then! ☺

Haha that must’ve just made you feel awkward.

Aw jeez, you made me blush. I don’t have experience with boys. I’m not even sure if I’m satisfying you with enough knowledge about me. 

Every time I begin writing to you, I’m shaking with nervousness. My heart races and I wonder if you’re going to like me if we DO meet.

Sometimes I have to rewrite my letter to you because I don’t feel it’s good enough. 

 Anyway, I’ll close off this letter with some exciting news. I got into my audition! I auditioned to be an extra beside Ace - you know the popular boy model. It was kind of a risky thing to do since I’m a newbie but I think it’ll be okay. Of course there are other girls that will be with him but at least my face will be somewhat noticeable.


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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2011 ⏰

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