Chapter 11

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*Rythian’s POV*

I stare over at the door for a long moment.

“Let’s get out of here.” I say finally. I don’t know how they got here, since blazes can’t go through portals, but I don’t care. I just wanted Zoey out of here.

“How? Blazes can fly so we can’t go through the library, and they’re obviously at the front door.” Zoey says not sounding panicked at all, which surprises me a bit.

“The mineshaft, I created an emergency exit down there while you were gone.” I say simply while grabbing the last of my items, putting them in my bag before clipping it on my belt.

“Well that was smart of you… what made you think to do that?”

I didn’t really feel like explaining that now. “I’ll tell you later. Let’s just go, Tee, do you have everything you want?” The dino nods.

“Wait! What about the mooshrooms and red five and Johnny iron and the wolves! I have Fishton, and Ringo is missing… and Paul! We need all of them, we can’t leave them behind.” Zoey says frantically.

“Zoey, theres no time, we have to get out of here.”

She crosses her arms over her chest. “I won’t leave them.” She says stubbornly.

I resist the urge to face-palm. “Zoey, they don’t want any of them. I doubt they’ll be hurt. Let’s just go.” I grab her arm and start pulling her through the house towards the mineshaft.

She struggles against my grip. “Rythian they’re our friends! We can’t just leave them; I don’t care if they won’t be hurt.” She says sounding annoyed.

I stop, an idea coming to mind. “Fine. I’ll get them, you just go.” I say letting go of her and handing her my Alchemy bag. “They want you, so it’s more dangerous if you stay. Go through the tunnel at the end of the mineshaft. It leads to the other side of the mountain. Go to Ravs’ bar. He knows where the safe house I made is and will take you.” I explain quickly.

Her eyes widen and she shakes her head. “I don’t want to put you in danger!” She says and looks behind me towards the door.

“Please, I’m stronger than them. I only got caught last time because I was caught off guard. I’ll be fine Zoey.” I tell her reassuringly.

“Promise me that you’ll be safe?” She says softly.

“I promise Zoey, now give me the pokeballs you made.”

She smiles a little and reaches into her Alchemy bag, handing me eight of them. “I’m pretty sure that Daisy Steven and Nilesy JR will all go into one, but just in case you should take all of them.” She says and looks at the mineshaft.

“Stay safe Zoey.”

She hugs me tightly before heading down the ladder with Tee.

Before I can change my mind I head outside.

*Zoey’s POV*

I bite my lip as I follow Tee down the stairs to the tunnel Rythian had made. It took all my self-control not to run back up to Rythian.

I was worried. What if he got hurt because I was too stubborn to leave the rest of our little group behind? Or worse, what if he got killed? I wouldn’t put it past any of the blazes to kill him, especially since they were following my father’s command.

Rythian promised you, relax. He doesn’t break his promises and you know it. I tell myself but it doesn’t help much.

Eventually Tee and I get out of the tunnel, on the other side of the mountain just like Rythian had said. I knew if I turned to my right and kept walking I would eventually be able to see Blackrock and the farm along with Tee’s tower. Instead though, I close the trap door we had just come through and walk towards the water.

“I guess we’re going for a swim.” I say looking over at Tee. He doesn’t hesitate. He dives right in and I laugh a little. “Apparently he likes water.” I say to myself before jumping in as well.

*Rythian’s POV*

As expected once I was outside I saw the blazes. And to my surprise Zoey’s father was in human form.

“Where is Zoeya halfling?” He scowls at me.

“As if I would let you go near her again.” I counter.

“She is my daughter; you have no right to keep her from me boy.” His eyes start to glow.

“I’m not keeping her from you; she left willingly on her own to go somewhere safe.” I shout in annoyance. “What did you do to her?”

His eyes return to normal. “What ever do you mean?”

I wanted to hit him because of his silky tone. “You know what I mean. What did you do to her?” I repeat clenching my fists.

“I was trying to return her to normal, a blaze, as she should be.” He answers simply.

“Why didn’t it work?”

“How should I know, I cannot monitor her when she is not at home.”

“That stupid Nether palace is not her home.” I mutter bitterly.

He quirks an eyebrow and smiles. “Oh, and I suppose this place is correct?”

I don’t answer him. “Why do you really want her? After all this time why come for her now.” I ask instead.

He hesitates. “Normally I wouldn’t answer such a thing. But I suppose since I plan on killing you anyway it shouldn’t matter.”

It’s then that I notice a blaze standing behind Zoey’s father holding the Screaming Blade.

“I heard a rumor that the queen of the end if planning on starting war. Zoeya is smart, skilled, and my daughter. Not to mention you have a weakness for her and you are the queen’s heir. She is the perfect one to have at my side during battle. And a perfect person to take my place if I were to fall.”

I stand there stunned. Why would she start war? What was there for her to gain? It didn’t make any sense. Nothing about this situation made sense though. “How did you get blazes through a portal?” I ask curiously, keeping my eye on the blade.

He laughs. “Now that secret I think I will keep to myself.” He says grinning. The blaze holding the sword comes forward and gives it to Zoey’s father. He looks at it for a moment, before glancing up at me. “Any last words? This time you don’t have Zoeya to protect you.”

I smile, though he can’t see it. “Yes, goodbye.” I fly up as he lunges at me and I laugh. “You think I would just walk out into a death trap without a way out? I am not that foolish.”

Her father looks disheveled and angry below me. He throws the blade at me.

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