Goodbye Real WorldHello Anime World!

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Nadiya's POV•
I was waiting impatiently for my friend Fatima to hurry up so we could obsess about Kyoya even though my true love was Takashi.

Suddenly my friend Amanda came and sat down in front of me taking out her neatly wrapped sandwich.

"Hey Amanda."

"Hey Nadiya did you pack another one of those disgusting." sandwiches." Amanda said looking at the frozen sandwich.

"Those things are going to kill you Nadiya don't be whining when you can't move any more." Fatima said without even looking me in the eyes.

•Fatima's POV•
I sat down looking at Nadiya across from me.

Nadiya smirked and shook her head.

"Well then you'll die with me because you eat them too." Nadiya said.

I looked up and I laughed,but my laugh was cut short when I saw Madelyn walked in her brown,short,pooffy hair looked as horrible as ever,her big fake green eyes where looking down at Hannah.

She copied my laugh in a mocking way and sat down.

"Hey Madelyn."Amanda said.

"Hey Madelyn."Nadiya said her voice sounded nice but her eyes told a different story,it seemed as if Nadiya wanted to strangle the bitch.

I wrinkled my nose but her a smile.

"Hey Madelyn." I said through gritted teeth.


I rolled my eyes and looked at Nadiya instead,I hope my eyes don't get an infection from looking at Madelyn.

"Anyways Nadiya did you see the episode where Tamaki was crying about his Teddy Bear?"I asked.

Nadiya instantly lit up and she nodded.

"Yeah it was so funny he was all like 'He keeps doing that to my teddy bear!'."

I laughed and she did too.

"I like the twins and Kyoya-Senpai."I said and it was true but if I had to pick a favorite it would definitely be Kyoya.

"I know but I love Mori!"She said.

I looked up and bit my lip.

"Eww!Mori is basically a piece if furniture!"I said.

Nadiya smirked.

"Sexiest damn piece of furniture I've ever seen."She said.

I laughed and shook my head.

"Hey have you written in Wattpad yet?"I asked her.

"No,but I'm gonna."

"Well Im updating alot because-I just love writi-"

"God you're such a nerd Fatima you two are such lame asses,always talking about anime and crap!"

I looked to my left and saw Madelyn her fake contacts glimmered with green to hide her original brown eye color.

"Shut up,it's better than this fucking world we live in anyways."I said with a calm tone.

I did this because it drives Madelyn crazy when I do it.

"You know what this is my table you fucking lame ass,before here you were sitting down alone reading a stupid book;And I can kick you out whenever I want to. "

I scoffed.

She was rubbing salt in a wound and she knew it.I would never let it show though.

"Well you can't kick me out,this is Jasmine's table and I was just leaving anyways,have better stuff to do than sit around and watch you're fucking lizard eyes staring at me wishing to be half as good as I am."I said with a calm tone again.

I gave her a bitchy smile and walked away deciding to cry in the bathroom instead of the lunch table where I would be humiliated by her.
~Nadiyas point of view~
I gave Madelyn one of Kyoya's famous death glares I wanted to strangle this bitch how could she be so cold.
I got up and ran to the bathroom.
"I hate my life!"Fatima screamed.

"Me too I wish we could go to the anime world!"I said.

"Well let's do the next big thing."

I sat down next to her and pulled out my bag.

"Let me show you when Takashi was a baby."

She smiled and nodded.I pulled out my manga and flipped through the entire book until I found it.

Before I knew it water droplets were staining my book.

i gasped and was preparing to smack Fatima before she said.

"I wish we could live in the anime world,and meet the Host club in Ouran."

I was preparing to git her across the head with my manga when suddenly the book started glowing.

I dropped the book and pointed at it.

"Oh my gosh Fatima see what you did?!?Its glowing!"

Suddenly all around us it started getting pitch black.

"Holy crap!"She said

The book glowed brighter and around us it got darker up until the point where we couldn't see ourselves.

Suddenly the book started spinning and it made a horrible sound like a train moving.

I screamed and closed my eyes until the sound stopped.

I opened my eyes and what I saw had me speechless.

I looked at my friend who was staring straight in the mirror.

"Oh my God!!Nadiya!!"She screamed in my face.

I looked at her agin she wasn't flesh or skin she was an anime character.

I pushed her out of the way to see myself.

"Oh my God Fatima!!We look so hot!!"And then the restroom was no longer white with blue stripes the floor was a glossy pink color with salmon walls .

"We're in the anime world."

"We're in Ouran."

We just steeped into the anime world

Flesh and Skin to PixelsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin