Episode 8: Happiness in a Relationship

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In New Adventure Bay, Marshall and Everest were going to a Dungeons and Dragons Café because Marshall was going to be playing DND with other players, and Everest, wanting to try something Marshall likes, decided to come along.

Marshall: I'm surprised you wanted to play Dungeons and Dragons with me and my DND buddies, Evy.

Everest: I thought I should try doing something you love for a change.

Marshall: Thanks, that means a lot. But, are you sure about DND?

Everest: Of course, Marshy. Why? Don't you want me there?

Then Everest began making a cute sappy face that made Marshall blush a little.

Marshall: No, it's not that. I'm just worried that you'd get bored.

Then Everest became surprised.

Everest: Bored?

Marshall: Well, yeah. Think about it. You've never played DND once and you're going to be in a room full of DND-loving guys for 3 hours or more.

Everest: Well, when you put it like that... But I think I can handle it. And besides, I'm dating one of the best DND players in the world. You'll show me how to play, right?

Then Marshall became surprised.

Marshall: You want to play too?

Everest: Better than just staring at my phone until you're done playing or when my battery dies.

Marshall: Well, I guess I can give you a little crash course before we start the game.

Everest: Cool. Thank you, Marshy.

Marshall: You're welcome, Evy.

Then Marshall and Everest arrived at the DND Café.

Everest: Hey. We're here.

Then, just as they were about to go inside, Marshall felt like he should warn Everest about something.

Marshall: Okay. Just before we head in, I just wanna let you know what you're about to see in there.

Everest: I think I can picture what you're about to say. A complete Nerdhalla.

Marshall: Just try to be nice while we're inside.

Everest: I'll do my best.

Marshall: Good girl.

Then Marshall and Everest went inside the DND Café where it was exactly what you expected: Many nerds playing DND crowding tables. Everest tried her best not to say anything offensive to avoid embarrassing Marshall.

Everest: Yup... just like what I pictured it to be...

Then the people inside the café noticed Everest, making them uncomfortable, which made Everest uncomfortable as well.

Everest: ... This is just like the comic book store...

Marshall: Don't worry. They're more scared of you than you are of them.

Everest: I doubt it...

Then Marshall led Everest to a DND table where he met up with his fellow party members and dungeon master. The group was surprised to see Everest with Marshall as the two sat down on two empty seats. They didn't say a word until Marshall said something.

Marshall: Guys, this is my girlfriend, Everest. Everest, these guys are my DND buddies: Our dungeon master, Trevor, the paladin, Miles, and the barbarian, Neal.

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