Chapter eleven

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Two times a week, I had to miss one class and go to the school counselor, Mrs. Stark's office, because of my ''anger problems''. I didn't like her. In fact, I hated her. I hated the way she looked at me – like I was some psychopath who had killed ten people. Her questions were stupid.

''Why do you think is a reason you don't have friends?''

''Do you think you're too special to be friends with anyone?''

''Why do you like to be alone?''

''Do you often feel angry?''

''Have you ever fantasized about killing someone?''

She once even implied it was my fault that my parents became addicts. She always insisted in talking about them. When I was quiet because I didn't know how to answer or didn't want to share my feelings about a certain topic, her tone became a lot harsher.

She told me stories about some people who were really quiet and loners when they were my age and who later became serial killers. She advised me to change my appearance – according to her, I wasn't handsome because of my long hair and dark clothes. Yes, she actually told that to me.

She asked me have I ever self-harmed or thought about suicide. I lied and said no. I don't think she believed me. She just told me that she knew many students who self-harmed and called them an attention seekers. She mentioned some girl who had killed herself because other girls spread rumors about her being a whore and having a STD on Facebook. She called the girl stupid and selfish.

Mrs. Stark also wanted me to talk about Kara. It seemed to me that she thought there was something wrong with her for being with me. The entire school shared that opinion.

Speaking of Kara, I felt sorry for her. Nobody wanted to talk with her. Many spoke mean things about her, while standing right there close to her (like they did to me). They didn't even want to pick her to be in their team at P.E., despite that she was excellent in sports. Nobody wanted to be her partner. People glared at her. Boys who had commented how sexy she was when she just came to our school now called her an ugly bitch. I even saw some girls running from her as though she had a contagious disease. And those were only things I noticed. God knows what else happened in the girls' locker room and restroom.

And it was all happening to her because of me.

How many times have I been afraid she'll just start to ignore me one day. Every day, I felt need to say how sorry I was. Sometimes, I would lie in my bed, my eyes closed, but unable to fall asleep from worrying I'll lose her.

Yet, Kara never complained about the her bullying. Every day, it was her who approached me. She consoled me every time the bullies made me upset. She hugged me, gave me kisses and held my hand. She barked back at the bullies.

There isn't a better feeling, but when you know you're not alone in this cruel world.

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