Chapter 7

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Next Chappiee!! 

Enjoyy!! :D


~~Chapter 7~~


It's 2 weeks already and Dani still Isn't talking to me, i want her to talk to me dammit, i like talking to her, and the boys want me to talk to her because if am going somewhere with the boys and Sarah, Dani's does ask if i am going and if i am going she wasn't going so i decided that i'm going to talk  to her tonight, because Chris ask his father is we can spend 2 days at the family's beach house he said yes and Dani said she isn't going if i'm going so them wants me apologise tonight. It was 9 already so i got up and put on a shirt open the balcony door and knock of her balcony door.

She jumped, and i chuckled and started to open the door

'What do you want.' She said in an annoyed voice

'I wanted to come an apologise for the prank, but i didn't know that the spray tan would stay on for a week, am soo sorry.' I said honestly

'You could of ask before you brought it.' She said glaring at me

I admit she look pretty damn hot tonight especially when she is vex wow

'Yeah but i didn't and i wanted to apologise, and tell you come to the beach house.' I said sitting down in the chair

'Why.' She said staring at me intensely

'Because.' i said smiling like that an answer

'Because what.' She said angry, she also look even hotter angry, what the hell are you thinking dude snap out of it she isn't cute she annoying

'Sarah and the guys and me, wants you to come.' I said sighing

'Really?' she said and her face lit up with excitement

'Yes really, now can you please pack now, i don't want to have to wait on you, your riding with me.' I said

'Oh,OK.' She said

'Yup.' I said popping the p

'So what's it like up there.' She said grabbing her bag and going in her closet

'Its pretty cool up there, it has a pool and a beach and other stuff to, then at one point we all just start to have sex too.' I said looking at her for her reaction

'What!. I'm staying home.' She said unpacking

'I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Even though when our girls come with us, something does happen. Maybe if you come with me something might happen too.' I said looking at her holding in a smile

Her eyes open wide and i started to laugh

'You inconsiderate jerk!.' She said throwing a pillow at my face

'Hey no messing with the face, this face gets girls in my bed.' I said laughing

'why haven't you ever have a relationship before.' She ask seriously

i gulped i didn't wanted to tell her about her. i shake my head to get rid of that thought 

I looked at her ' Love is for Idiots, i mean when you love you get hurt, so it's better if you love at all.' I said shrugging

'Oh, but you have a chance of not getting hurt.' She said keep packing

Yeah, Well I'm not taking that chance, ever.' I said looking at her

She shake her head and went to her drawer and started to pack some underwear

'Um i Love those,' I said raising my eyebrows at the lace undies

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