2 : || A Blurry Dream ||

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A loud sound echoed followed by two, three times more, as the surroundings went into a complete silence of shock

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A loud sound echoed followed by two, three times more, as the surroundings went into a complete silence of shock.

Horror filled eyes stuck over her bloodied body, as she stumbled back feeling numb and slow breaths.

They stood frozen over the floor, as if their hearts stopped beating. As if the blood in their veins turned cold, making them go numb.

She stood there, back facing them. Blood trickled down her body, wetting her long open hairs.

"If not here, m-maybe in another lifetime, we will meet... Pr-promise, you will wait for me." Her words echoed.

There was a silence as the five of them only gazed at her, realizing she was truly dying.

Their paths ended here. She was leaving them.

"We promise." They whispered, and it was only then she took her last breath.

While she did, their breaths too left in the form of her death.


Yudhisthir jerked awake from his sleep. Sweats trickled down the side of his face, while he panted for breaths.

His face paled as the dream seemed horrifying and gut wrenching to him.

He shut his eyes tightly, trying to calm his raging breaths and heart.

"Again that dream..." He muttered to himself, feeling as if vulnerable.

"Jyest." He looked up only to find Arjun calling him along with the other three.

"Are you okay, Jyest?" Nakul asked in concern, filling a glass with water and passing it.

Yudhisthir took the glass and gulped down the water, feeling his dried throat alive now.


"Again that dream?" Bheem asked, while Yudhisthir gazed at him for once, before nodding.

"Nakul, Sahdev, can't you both do anything about these blurry dreams?" Arjun asked the twins.

"Bhrata, we are versed in medicines. And these dreams cannot be controlled." Sahdev paused for a moment.

"But probably, meditation can help." He added, though unsure.

"That is something you do most of the time. Is it helping you?" Nakul stated.

"But why all of us are having these same blurry dreams?" Bheem questioned again, only to receive dumbfounded looks at him.

𝐏𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐈 : The Arcane Noxus QueenWhere stories live. Discover now