Thee Exam

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"Ellie get up, you're going to be late" shadow's voice shouted in my head making my eyes snap open. i glanced over to my alarm and saw it was 7am, i really couldn't care if i was late, in fact maybe calling the school and telling them i'm not up for it seemed a good idea.

"Don't you dare or you'll regret it" shadow threatened darkly. i must be crazy, i thought. there must be a part of my brain that doesn't want to go with my plan.

"your not insane but you are a little crazy sometimes especially some of those theory's you come up with" he confessed

i cursed under breath, The thought of people laughing and sniggering at me made me sick to the stomach. "No, I'm not going, I'll catch up on Monday" I firmly spoke out loud as I closed mine eyes.

"No,no,no you silly girl get up and go or you'll be late for your exam" his voice went straight through me.

"Fine I'm going" I snapped as I got up. I did my hair and quickly put clothes on then brushed my teeth.

I bolted out the door and ran through the crowds trying to get to school before 8:30 am. I made it, I looked around to see some people but not many in the schools yard. I personally liked the outside of the building and the hanging baskets with poppies and other small flowers in them.

"Would you move!, it's not long till the exam" he exclaimed. I thought "shut up or people will know"

I quickly entered the cafeteria and sat down at a round table. I realised I had left my mobile at home "crap" I thought to myself, though my thoughts went onto a group of nasty people who were passing.

"Hey. You" their leader pointed at me, her name was Sarah Pipes. She thought she was so perfect because her parents were rich and she was miss popular.

"What" I snapped, regretting it
"Don't you talk to me like that, and anyway. I thought I told you not to come back to my territory" she exclaimed, making everyone in the hall turn and watch.

It was like bricks were being thrown at my head as I remembered though I thought she would have forgotten.

I was in French, quietly doing my work when the teacher wasn't there. She was sitting directly across from me
"Hey" she called and I glanced up
"Give me your jotter" she ordered and I shook my head "what do you mean no. Give me you're f-ing jotter" she snarled and reached over the table. I leaned back in my seat and moved my jotter towards me.
"Do it yourself instead of pestering me" I declared, I felt every pair of eyes on me and people whispering.
"What did you just say to me?" She demanded
I was going to keep quiet but my anger broke, I had been bullied by her all my life so I snapped
"You heard me" I stated as I got on with my work "no one talks to me like that" she was dumbfounded. She sat down in her seat and waited for lunch. I went to my quiet spot in the cafeteria with some juice in a can and a packet of crisps.
"There she is" I heard Sarah screaming as she approached my table. "What" I exclaimed.
"I told you to give me your jotter and you didn't do it" she hissed. "No one has ever done that" she babbled, I ignored her and it felt as if someone had possessed me "go away and drool over the boys" I lectured. Her mouth started opening and shutting like a fish. "I do not!" She announced. I stood up and threw the juice over her "go away" I ordered, I couldn't control myself. "If I see you here again, I'm going to rip your hair out of your skull" she threatened darkly as she stomped out to the bathrooms.
I smiled wickedly "you made me do that didn't you?" I queried to myself and I heard a dark chuckle from somewhere in my head "she deserved that" shadow answered. I shook my head as the bell went for the next class to begin.

End of flashback

I was cursing shadows name, she gave me daggers. "Stay out of my way" she snarled as she turned her back me "I don't want to be infected with you're loss of sanity" she insulted as she left. Brilliant, I thought. She'll try and ruin my exams!.
"No she won't, she's not smart enough" shadow declared in my mind. I shook my head and ran to the P.E hall as some people who were in my class headed to it. I got in and found my seat number with my hands shaking, I sat and listened to the invigilator. Her words meant nothing to me, I was only listening for 'start'.
Once I heard the keyword, I quickly wrote my name and all the other information on the front cover. I opened the
First page and my mind went completely blank, I scratched my head with the pencil while staring at the clock. "Need some help" I heard shadow say inside my head and I thought, yes please.

For the next 2 hours I just wrote down everything he was telling me then when i got out I went straight outside and headed back home but when i was walking home. I realised Sarah's group of friends were following so I started running, they would beat up anyone who messed with them.
I heard them yelling, I heard shadow telling me to go left then to take a right. I don't why, but I listened to him and with some luck, I saw a police officer on a horse. He glanced at me then headed over to me as I stood still.
"What's wrong lass" he called and I pointed to Sarah's group "they're going to beat me up" I stated in a shaky voice. He nodded then headed towards the group. The group took one glance at the officer and ran. I felt relieve wash over me, the officer approached me "are they a gang" he queried. I nodded "you could call them that or a bunch of horrors" he laughed "well get home soon before they come back" he advised and I nodded "thank you sir" I called as he went down the high street. I bolted home and when I got there I bolted the door then sighed deeply.
Shadow laughed "that was a lucky escape"
"Tell me about it, I mean. What the hell would I have done if those horrors had caught up with me. Would they have beaten me up until I couldn't be identified" I screeched.
"Calm down Ellie. You don't have to see them again. You're free from them now" he comforted.
"Ellie?!, who are you talking to?" My mums voice frightened me.
I groaned, aww crap

OMG!!!! I haven't done this for over a year 😱
I'm going to keep doing this now. I might publish it every weekend.
In the story Ellie's mum is in her apartment and heard her talking to Shadow. Will Ellie be able to make up an excuse?, will she get her letter saying she can go to America?.
I have one thing, there is a marriage. Maybe that's why her mum is over or is someone getting married?. Whahaha 😈😈
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