Derek Bailey Shepherd Grey

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Bailey never wanted to be judge by his looks. He was always treated like the pretty boy. Ellis was the smart one, Zola was the nice one, and he was just pretty. All his life he tried to break the standard of pretty boy. Okay yes he understand that he was pretty. He had seen his fathers looks and he was good looking indeed. So Bailey was this perfect boy with his fathers hair but blonde like his mothers and his fathers eyes. Indeed he was pretty. But he wanted that people more than a pretty face. So he studied hard. Of course he wanted to be a doctor. He always say if people ask him why he wants to be a doctor: "my father died when I was about 2 years old. He was in a car accident. The doctors treated his internal injuries but none of them thought to take a look at his head. He died brain dead because when they finally realize he was having an brain bleed, the neurosurgeon on-call was at a dinner and he arrived 1 hour later. At that point there was nothing to do. My father died young, with a lot of plans to the future. He was a brilliant neurosurgeon that left his family and dreams because of a medical mistake. I want to be a doctor, no wait I don't want to be a doctor, I want to be an amazing doctor that can allow the chances to people to keep living. I don't want to be God, and I know I will make mistakes. But I want to give the chance to a person to give his daughters at the altar or teach his son how to be a man. That's why". He was an amazing student that got into Princeton and worked hard. He, not like Zola, he wanted to do his internship and residency on Grey-Sloan since the beginning, and even more after he found out that his mother had Alzheimer's. That was a really dark time for him. He was always a mamas boy. His mother love telling stories about dad and was always saying wise things to move on. He also loved his aunt Cristina that, like his mother, represent a sense of being strong, especially after her accident. Besides she was always spoiling them with candy and letting them be in rounds with her. Let's say that he saw a real heart beating in a person when he was 8 and most people do when they are 26 when they are interns. Even though he had all this people to cheer him up, his secret keeper and adviser was Jackson. Jackson understood pretty well what is like to be a pretty boy but not to be only seen like one. He was also the one that taught him to be a man with his uncle Alex. They both cheer him at soccers games. To a usual soccer game they went his mom, his aunt Cristina, his uncle Alex and his uncle Jackson. They didn't miss a game. One time even a kid asked him if he had two gay parents and two lesbian mothers, because they all seem like a family. His best friend in all the world was Mark. People find it funny because Marks dad and his were best friends. They went to med school together. His grandma always loved to see him both, because they remember her to her two lost sons. They always compete to be the best. Now he was a 5th year resident and he finally chose General.

For the love life he wasn't that lucky. Yeah sure he was great at charming ladies but he wanted a stable relation. Not like Mark that was a true man whore. But he wanted to settle down. But something in Emma which was the new intern and uncle Alex daughter that attract him. He always saw her as a little sister but now he was starting to feel something more. So he decided to make his first move.

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