Twenty One

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Lenny stood and stared out the floor to ceiling windows in his corner office, a slight grin lifting the corners of his lips. Soon everything out there would be his to control. Okay, well not soon, but eventually. He'd taken care of a small obstacle. Craig De Loray was of no consequence to his life any longer.

The smile grew. It was certainly not a mirthful grin, it was darker, more malevolent. The smile faltered for a second before reasserting itself. Craig had believed they were friends. Still did despite everything that happened. It was sad, really, that Craig had bought into his act. He shook his head. Everything he'd done was to reach this point, to enact his plans and take over. Mutants should be on top.

"We're superior," he muttered. The next phase of evolution for mankind. People couldn't see it, they reacted with fear and violence. And stupidity, like his parents. If that's what they wanted, he'd react in kind. In the end, mutants would be on top and he would lead them to that victory.

Brittany breezed into the room. Hair 80's big and teased, skirt denim with leggings and leg warmers, the shirt she wore had vibrant paint splashes across it. "Lenny, you need to turn on the news, like right now. 'K?"

He turned and frowned as he took in her outfit. "What are you wearing?"

She twirled on the tips of the toes of her bright white Keds sneakers and gave him a sunny smile. "Do you like it? I figured since you were going retro we all should! Isn't it boss?"

His lip curled. "Yes, well, whatever." He picked up the TV remote and pushed the power button as Brittany lifted her butt up to sit on the corner of his desk. He wondered why she insisted on perching on the corner of his desk. Probably thought she looked all cute sitting up there like that. He sighed and turned away. While one is in the middle of plans to take over the world, one didn't have time for dating.

"News!" she told him in a perky voice.

Right as if he needed a reminder of what she told him two minutes ago. He supposed she wasn't so much reminding him as she was reminding herself. Idiot. He flipped channels until he found a news station. His good humor was immediately restored when he saw the story they were reporting on. He listened to the reporter as the man imparted the details to the audience of viewers out in TV land.

"Currently is it unknown what is causing mutants in multiple cities across the U.S. to lose their powers, but government scientists are looking into the matter as we speak."

With a cackle, he shut off the television and tossed aside the remote. "Yes! It's working! Now we need to get the word out to the mutants that I will be more than willing to help them get their powers back if they swear loyalty to me."

Brittany was twirling a piece of hair around her finger. "Um, how do we do that?"

"Leave it to me. At least those X-Men brats won't be bothering us any longer."

"Right, 'cause we gassed them. You are so ... so strong and you really are a great leader, Lenny!" she gushed.

While he enjoyed her praise, he didn't have time for romantic entanglements. He needed to concentrate on world domination. It was usually at this stage in the plans where all good supervillains went wrong, either they spent too much time concentrating on their damn goody-two-shoes counterpart or they fell for some chick who ruined it all. Not him, he was keeping it simple. He'd already gotten rid of Craig, he was moving on from that disaster. He wasn't going to go gloat and monologue, or something lame that would end up ruining his plans. And he certainly wasn't going to fall for some girl and let her scramble his brains. He sent Brittney a disgusted look. Well, unless of course Ziva changed her mind and joined his army. Now there was a woman who could make his hair stand on end, and he wasn't talking about her powers, either. He gave his head a shake and refocused. Nope, no girls! Full steam ahead!

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