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(A/N: In the prologue the Akko is 14 but the main story happens when she is 19 so she is an adult, I need to preference this before getting into any of the story, also that means Shiggy is 16 in the prologue. Also the only two povs will be Akko and a 3rd person one ^^. Also this story is fast paced, to slow it down some I did add a few extra things that aren't cannon+ a filler chapter or two)

Walking down a empty and cold street, I used my wings to keep me warm. The sun was starting to set and the cool evening was just getting colder. I debated on flying up and trying to figure out where I was but there were a few problems with that. One being that people aren't really allowed to use their quirks without the proper license and the other fact was I was in my school uniform which included a skirt.
  Why did I have to go get myself lost right after school...This was bad if I didn't get home school they might send someone to go find me.

Just then I heard a thud coming from an alleyway. I slowly made my way there and peaked around the corner. There I saw a boy sitting against the wall. He was bleeding, badly. He looked to be around my age maybe a bit older. He had sky blue hair...if the sky blue was less saturated and more white that is. I couldn't tell what eye color he had cause his eyes were closed. I slowly made my way to him and crouched down to get a better look at him. He was out cold.

To help him or to not...fuck it. I looked at my surroundings to make sure no one was around and then I plucked one of my feathers and placed it in his hand. Then I backed up a bit as the feather burned into ashes. Slowly his wounds closed up. He slowly began opening his eyes. Shit was he not passed out? Normally the healing doesn't wake people up. I slowly backed up some more, ready to fly if needed but then I heard him speak. I froze in my tracks.

"Wait, where you the one to heal me?" He asked. I just nodded a bit. "Huh what's your quirk?"

"Phoenix Ashes...It allows me to heal others and myself" I said quietly. I just stared at him, something about him gave me an uneasy feeling.

"I'm Tomura Shigaraki, what's your name?" He asked, why did it look like he was looking past me but still talking to me.

"Akko...just Akko...why are you looking beh-" I said slowly turning around but I blacked out.

3rd pov:

"Finally, What took so long Kurogiri?" Shigaraki asked looking at the purple man in front of him.

"Im sorry sir it took me a bit to find your location" He responded but then looked at the unconscious girl in front of him "what do you want to do with her?" He asked unsure if he should kill or not.

"Take her with us. She'll be useful to us in the future." The 16 year old said standing up.

And just like that Akko was kidnapped. Over the next few months Shigaraki took time to find out exactly what the extent of her quirk was. She couldn't revive the dead but she could stop them from dieing and even regrow limbs. She couldn't heal the decay on others but she could if it was on herself. Shigaraki found it amusing that she couldn't really die considering she healed herself to fast. She still felt the pain though even after she was healed. The draw backs also became quite clear. If she overused her quirk she would pass out for weeks at a time. The worse the injury the more energy she had to use.

They kept her on a leash and kept her at the bar. She had a room in the back and a spot in the lounge itself. When in her room she wore an ankle chain and in the main part of the bar a metal collar around her neck that was chained to the wall.

They also messed with her mind, made it where she was loyal and wouldn't try to escape. Most of her past memories ended up fuzzy in the dark end and was kept in the dark.
(Also what Akko looks like: drew this 2021 god damn ;-;) .

(Also what Akko looks like: drew this 2021 god damn ;-;)

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(Redrew it for 2024 and this yay!)

(Redrew it for 2024 and this yay!)

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