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(A/N: wow a chapter dedicated to the Lov and the past, imagine, also a bit of a shorter chapter)

Tw: Lots of abuse and gaslighting/brainwashing.

Flashback 3rd pov:

Kurogiri had dropped Akko and Shigaraki off into an empty fully concrete room. It was mostly empty, besides the blood and weapons.

A young Shigaraki looked at the girl in front of him. Her eyes seemed fuzzy like she was lost in thoughts. It had only been a month since they took her and she was already starting to break. Akko used her wings as like a shield as she curled up into a ball. She didn't like where this was going, She never did when she was here. For the last month they kept pushing her to her limits for hours at a time, they always tried to see if she could heal others first then moved on to if it would heal her too.

"Ok now let's see what tricks this bird has learned so far" Shigaraki's words sent shivers down Akko's spine. She suddenly felt one finer trace her wing. She slowly opened the wings to find Shigaraki crouching in front of her.

"Good birdy, it's ok no need to be scared. We are just trying to figure out what the extent of your quirk is to protect you"

"" The small teen asked back unsure.

"Mhm we need to know what your limits are so we don't over exuste you, plus we can keep you safe from society who will just use you, don't you want that?" The boy said, he normally wouldn't resort to trying to be nice but he was good at manipulating others and he needed Akko to stop resisting or else this would become much more difficult. Akko just nodded slowly in understanding.

"Good birdy, now then it'll all be over soon" he said as he placed his hand against her back. Akko's quirk made it where she survived but with decay she healed a bit slower than normal and she felt the pain twice as much even after healing. He back felt like it was on fire. Shigaraki had tested his quirk on her before on her arm so she didn't get why he was doing again but then she realized. It was a punishment for trying to hide.

"Ahhh! Please! Make it stop! I'll listen I'll be good just please!" She begged but Shigaraki kept his hand on her back for a few more minutes before finally taking it off. Tears flew down Akko's face. At least he didn't aim for her wings. After a bit her back was fully healed but she had passed out from exhaustion.

"Shit I think I went to far now I can't do the actual test for Kurogiri!" Tomura called as a portal opened. The boy picked up the girl in his arms and slowly made his way through the portal.
Present day 3rd pov:

The wearhouse the league was now in was dusty as hell but no one had enough energy to clean it. Especially a certain three villains who were worried about Akko. It had been a few days after the raid and Toga decided to sneak into the bar and try to recover some of the stuff. The most important thing being the monitor for a certain someone's Gps. Once she got it and rushed back to the wearhouse. She handed it over to Shigaraki.

"Shit, we are to late, they found the tracker" Shigaraki sighed.

"Are we sure that she didn't take it off herself....Those damn hero!" Twice intervened.

"Akko-Chan would never! She would want to be found!" Toga intervened.

"I mean not if she thought we betrayed her" Dabi sighed.

"Urg! Now one of our most valuable support characters are gone!" Shigaraki yelled as he disintegrated an empty crate.

"Oh poor Akko-Chan she probably feels so abandoned" Toga yawned as she sat onto the stairs.

"Well I should go now... I'm tired!" Twice said before heading out.

"Toga when was the last you slept?" Big sis mag asked considered.

"Huh? Oh don't worry about me!" Toga smiled "I probably just need to get some blood"

"Damn vampire" Dabi sighed.

"Stupid patches" Toga retorted.

"Boy obsessed!"

"Daddy issues!"

"Just it! Both of you!" Shigaraki snapped as the other two just went silent. "Anyways we need a plan to get Akko back"

"Who says she'll even want to come back?" Mr. Compass timed in.

"Cause I spent 5 years making sure she stays loyal, maybe not as much as Kurogiri but still enough so that she wouldn't switch sides so easily" Shigaraki said scratching his neck.

"Your to attached to her, we'll risk everything if we just rush in to wherever she is staying, that's if we can even figure that out" Dabi pointed out. Not like him to be a voice of reason.

"I'm not attached!"

"Ooooo you so are! You can't live without your little pet now can you" Toga laughed.

"Oh don't act like your not also attached to her!" Shigaraki retorted. Toga just looked to the side knowing he wasn't wrong.

Even the ones who only spoke to the girl once or twice knew that she was fragile and overall hoped that she wouldn't give the heros any valuable information.

A Caged Bird (Mha oc story)Where stories live. Discover now