The Base Attack

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Over the next week or so I refuse to leave my room. I couldn't get rid of the feeling that they were going to abandon me if I left. The first day or two I didn't let anyone see me but slowly allowed Shiggy to...I was still mad at him don't get me wrong but I also missed him. 

He would pet my wings when he saw me. He said something about a big mission and that it was going to be big.

The bar had been quiet for quite some time now. They must have been on a mission or something. Kurogiri had left my lunch outside the door which I ate then went back asleep.

I woke up to a loud explosion. I slowly made my way to the main area. There I saw all the villains surrounding a teen. There were some people I didn't recognize, looks like Shigaraki recruited more people.

"We may not be at camp! But I can still use my quirk!" The loud blond said. It didn't seem like the other villains noticed me yet so I decided just to stand back and watch.

"He must have figured out his important clever boy." A person with long hair said.

"No he's a fool" Dabi corrected.

Toga clapped her hands together, "let me stab him!"

They kept chatting and I just watched. Thankfully Shigaraki told everyone to leave him alone and was valuable.

"Hm valuable? Coolio, oh wait! Is he the guy from the TV thing a few weeks ago?!" I timed in.

All the villains turned to me. A small thought passed though my mind but I quickly shook it off. No way.

"Little birdy-...your not supposed to be out here go back to your room" Shigaraki said surprised. He looked pissed though.

"But whyyy you never let me have any fun!" I huffed and looked at the blond. "Why are his ears damaged?" I said plucking a feather and just blowing it to him and letting it burn. With that I just went behind the curtain pretending that I went back to my room. Not even a moment later heros broke through the wall. I backed up some. Everyone was captured already. I held my breath.

"You must have been scared but you stayed strong, I'm sorry your safe now young man" A male voice said. Most likely talking to the loud blond kid.

"What!?! I wasn't scared! Not even close! Also you let one escape behind the curtain! Dumbasses!" The boy retorted.

With that I ran to my room and locked it from the inside. Shit, shit shit.....I'm sorry shiggy but I can't help you if I'm caught. I fully extended my wings, ready to fly away incase they break the wall or something like they did for the main bar area. Instead I heard loud noises, the heros were panicking...I slowly made my way back out to see them being attacked but multiple numos....I looked at Kurogiri, him and Dabi were out cold. Some of the heros had turned to me but before anything I watched as the villains captured by the branch guy warp away. Wait why was I left? The heros kept attacking the nomus. The Allmight guy talked to someone below before leaving.

All the numos there were almost defeated. I needed to escape quickly. I ran for the opening in the wall and went to fly but quickly was caught by the tree dude. My wings became so cramped. I couldn't use my feathers to burn it cause it would use all the feathers and burn me in the process....I was trapped. I started struggling and kicking trying to get out. The heros below started to take notice to me as well. This firey dude looked very smug knowing that they caught at least one of the villains...or so they thought.

"Hehe...I'm not that valuable of a piece you know. I mean why else would the master leave me" I said trying to convince them to let me go. "Plus I'm not even a villain...heh...just someone at the wrong place at the same time."

Yes perfect, all the heros and police had their focused on me. I mean I was kinda just hanging out the thing so it was hard for them not. My goal was just to distract them. I watched as more numo started attacking them. Ok so maybe I wasn't as innocent as I seemed. Sadly the heros got the problem under control again. Fuck....the heros put me in some actual restraints, then they headed out.

"Stupid stupid stupid!!!" I whined. This wasn't fair, why was I abandoned. "I want Shiggy! I want Shiggy!"

The police just ignored me. Rude. They seemed to be watching the news while they finished rangling up those brainless zombies. I was right...they did try to abandon me at the mall...why, why?! I just started tearing up but tried to hide it. Did they replace me with the blond?! Is that why they took him and not me.

  Before long some more pro heroes were helping going around and seeing if there were any casualties in the area. I tried to hide my sobs but I couldn't. I didn't even know how long I was crying for. I looked like a lost kid crying for her parents but I didn't care. I couldn't even wipe my tears cause of the restraints but I could feel the pity from the heros. None of them talked to me though. After I bit I finally stopped crying.

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