I suppressed my emotions as we arrived next to yet another cavern, it wasn't the right one, but it would need to do.
Until we parted ways with the other group that is.
We didn't want to have to split the resources of the mystical cave with another group and therefore potentially alter our chances of passing to the next stage and to enter Witherlore.
We couldn't trust anyone. Not even our friends.
The other group proposed to take turns with us to secure the perimeter and insure we would be safe during the night.
We proposed to put one person of our team, and one person of their team to be sure no team would harm the other.
The air seemed tense as we picked our partners.
I was torn between picking Byhn or picking Jax as it would be easier to be sure he wouldn't hurt anyone if I was surveying him.
I ended up asking Jax to partner up with me, and he answered with a grin "Sure Ruby, I didn't know you would be so eager to spend some time with me."
I felt my face redden from anger and embarrassment as I answered, "it's not that I just don't have anyone else to team up with".
I turned around to find out it was indeed true as the others had all partnered up with someone from the other team. Jax looked over my shoulder as if to confirm my claim and a scowled painted his face, i couldn't help from stopping a victorious grin as his expression soured.
We agreed to take the fifth shift during the night, right after Eisma and Byhn, those two seemed to have decided to supervise themself personally.
Eisma looked over at me and nodded as if she understood my situation, but she couldn't, right?
She didn't know who or rather what I was.
I picked up my bottle from my bag and drank a little more of my water while wondering who would become hostile to me if they knew my identity.
How many of them would try to kill me.
How many would put fake pleasing faces.
How many would run away in terror.
I wasn't ashamed of who I was, I just didn't deem it necessary to live fake friendships or to live under constant death threats.
When I was young, my mother always told me to assume who I was to express my power and expose it to everyone, to make sure they feared me and respected me.
My dad didn't seem to care when I would come home with the face covered in blood. He never asked whether it was mine or someone else's.
At first, when the kids refused to be friends with me and wounded me, I cried and tried to fight back.
But after a while, I realized it was futile.
The only thing I could do to prevent them from hurting me was to make sure they would fear me more than their worst fears.
One day, I decided to release my aura and make them see what a devil really looked like.
I never forgot the look in their eyes as my eyes turned blood like red and that my hair became black like a crow.

Survival Instincts - Witherlore werewolf Academy series
WerewolfFreedom, peace and happiness are many of the things which are sometime taken for granted, but here, in the Kingdom of Tryia, where everything is constantly changing and evolving, no one can predict their future. But some can create it and modify it...