Chapter 31: Shadows From the Past

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E and I did some research, and by research we drove around to all the florists in town to try to see where these roses were coming from.

"This has to be it." I said to E as we looked up at the store front

The store itself looked like it needed a few repairs. Siding was falling off and it was very faded. Grass was unkempt with weeds growing along the stone pathway to the stairs that led to the entrance.

E took my hand as we climbed the stairs. A small bell dinged when we walked in. It smelled like moth balls and mildew. As we got farther back the sweet smell of flowers wafted out of the back room behind the counter.

We heard footsteps, and soon a short little old lady came out with glasses on the tip of her nose and one of the glasses chains around her neck and clipped to her glasses. She gave us a sweet smile.

"Hello dears." She said as she slowly got to the counter. "What can I do for you? Looking for Prom flowers?"

I shook my head. "No thank you. I was wondering if you deliver bundles of roses?"

She nodded. "Oh yes. What color would you like?"

"We don't want to buy anything. I was wondering if you could tell me if you deliver them to a specific address?" I asked.

"We deliver all across town-"

"We're wondering if you deliver to Kenny Street?" E asked, growing impatient.

She nodded. "I need a house number-"


The old lady turned to see a younger woman standing in the doorway. "I got this. Go fix up that sweet sixteen centerpiece you were doing."

The old lady frowned, but nodded, walking past her daughter and back into the backroom again.

"Sorry." The daughter apologized. "How can I help you?"

I put my hand on E's arm telling him to let me speak. "Do you deliver a bundle of red roses to Kenny street ever so often?"

The daughter made a face and sighed. "I knew he seemed off."

I swallowed hard. "What did he look like?"

"Black hair, brown eyes, big and tall." She described. "He gave my mom cash for a full six months to just leave the roses on the doorstep with no card or anything. I told Mom it sounded suspicious, but we had no way of getting him a refund."

"So he didn't leave his name or anything?" E spoke up behind me.

The daughter shook her head. "I just hoped it wasn't as suspicious as it seemed."

I felt myself shake. It had to be Mark. He knew where I lived. He knew where Nate lived. He especially knew where Haley lived.

E stepped forward grabbing a business card. He seemed to be getting the same idea of who it was.

"If he comes back again, please call us." He wrote down his number. "Try to get a name if you can, but he could be dangerous. Don't risk anything."

The daughter took the business card from E. "Again, I'm so sorry. I will call you as soon as I see him again."

E took my hand. "Thank you."

He gently pulled me out of the store. Once we got into the car I let out a breath and felt tears start to roll down my cheeks. E hugged me tight.

"What am I going to do?" I asked him.

"We'll get through it together." E said, kissing my cheek and rubbing my back softly. "I'm right here to help."

"I gotta tell Nate." I said trying to think through my racing thoughts. "Can I borrow your phone?"

E pulled away and handed me his phone. I called Nate and told him that he needs to meet us at the house. I then called Scott and Susan asking if Haley can stay a bit longer. They had no problem with that.

I took a deep breath. Everything was going so well, but now...


"Leave?" I asked, looking from Natalie to Nate. "Leave here?"

Nate rubbed his face and Natalie shifted next to me.

"No. You can't." I said, feeling my heartbeat pick up.

Natalie took my hand. "If he finds me..."

"If he finds any of us." Nate corrected. "E, this man is crazy and obsessed with Natalie."

"You have a restraining order against him though?" I asked, looking at Natalie. "He can't get near you?"

Nate sighed. "A piece of paper is not going to stop this bastard. The reason why he left us alone was because we moved. He didn't know where we moved to."

"Move in with me." I said. "All of you."

Natalie shook her head with a sad smile. "He'd still find us. If he got his hands on Haley..."

I could see the pain in her face. I took her hands in mine.

"I just got you back." I said, trying to keep it together.

"I'm sorry I just don't see any other way." She said softly. "I will not let him get Haley in any way, shape, or form."

Nate walked over to touch Natalie's shoulder. "And I'm not letting him get either of you."

"Natalie..." I said softly. "Please...I can protect you. I'll have Dad get-"

"The safest thing for us to do is leave." Natalie said, tears were forming in her eyes. "E...Last night was-"

"Stop it." I said, shaking my head. "You're not leaving."

Natalie glanced at Nate and he nodded walking up the stairs. Natalie took my face in her hands.

"Last night was amazing." Natalie said, looking straight in my eyes. "I-I never knew sex could be that amazing. I honestly couldn't get enough of that feeling."

"Natalie, at least stay-"

"Listen." She said as the tears started to fall down her cheeks. "I love you so much, but I can't let Haley stay in the same town as that pedophile. I will not allow her to go through what I did."

"I know I want you both safe, but-" My voice cracked a little.

I knew I could try to protect them, but I also knew that Natalie was right in saying that the only hope right now was them moving.

"When the lady calls me-"

Natalie pulled my face to hers, giving me a soft, but wet kiss. She licked her lips and ran her thumbs across the top of my cheeks.

I shook my head. "I-I can't do this..."

I pulled away from her and got in the car, but I didn't start it. I just started out the windshield.

I just got her back. I can't lose her again, and this time she's leaving town. I'm not going to see her again.

I tried to keep my anger in check, but my was breaking again. I felt like I was going to explode.


I screamed so loud that my head pounded after. I felt hot tears rolling down my cheeks.

She won't be there anymore. She won't be with me anymore.

I took a deep breath after a few minutes and wiped my eyes, looking to the den window. I could see Natalie's back. She was on the phone.

Me, Quinn, Mary, The Henderson's, Josh, Richie, Drew, she was just leaving us all. It's not fair. It's not fair to me or her friends, but especially her and Nate. She shouldn't uproot her life to run away from this maniac.

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