Rock The Boat

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They finally reached the bus that ran straight into Florida. It was a six hour drive from where they got captured in Alabama to the beaches of Miami. But Chanyeol wasn't too concerned about the long hours spent on the bus. Six hours gave Baekhyun plenty of time to relax, sleep, and try to forget everything that happened with the Alabama gangsters. As if the mermaid could ever erase that scene from his head, but he was good at turning his brain off to painful memories when he needed to.

After bandaging up Baekhyun's legs and taking some spare clothes from the dead gangsters, Chanyeol led Baekhyun to the next bus stop, loading their scarce luggage into the compartments underneath while Baekhyun found a seat and immediately laid down to sleep.

Chanyeol climbed on to find very few people on board; just the driver and three other people minding their own business. Of course Baekhyun took the seat in the very back, away from everyone else, and kicked his legs up on the seat so Chanyeol had no room to sit with him. He had to take the empty seat across from him, slouching as far as the cramped seats would allow and leaning his head back.

He'd love to take a death-like nap too – lay down and pass out at the snap of his fingers like Baekhyun did. But every time his eyelids closed, he saw blood and bullet holes and dead bodies instead of darkness. He could still hear the gunshots, the water and blood splashing on the ground, Baekhyun sobbing in his arms. How did an ordinary college kid who swam and wrapped bandages end up in a fucked up situation like this? How would he ever come back from this? He always pictured himself returning home and reuniting with his family at the end of this, but would he be the same person? Would he be haunted by this nightmare forever?

He tossed and turned in his seat, thinking of all the ways his reunion with Chaeyoung would play out instead of sleeping. With all the chaos they experienced and all the chaos that loomed ahead of them, Chanyeol didn't see himself sleeping well ever again.

An hour of closing his eyes and pretending to sleep passed, and he decided to give up hope that he could rest at that point. His tired eyes opened to see the light fading from the dusty bus windows, the sky orange and landscape even more orange from the dirt being kicked up by the wheels. The entire vehicle rocked as they drove over dirt roads, practically throwing around the people inside. Chanyeol scooted closer to the window and pinned himself against the wall to steady himself, leaning his head against the glass.

He didn't even know what state they were in at that point. Probably still Alabama, but it felt like they'd been stuck on this shaking bus for centuries. It occured to Chanyeol then that he could no longer sit still for very long, particularly in a moving vehicle. After all the driving they'd done across the country, he never wanted to participate in a roadtrip ever again.

They made frequent stops throughout the trip, so Chanyeol had plenty of opportunities to step out and stretch his legs. He didn't dare wake Baekhyun at any point; just one look at his relaxed face and Chanyeol could tell he was having the best sleep he'd had in a while. He probably wouldn't need another swimming pool for awhile. The gangsters had him in that kiddie pool for so long, Baekhyun wouldn't need to worry for a day or two. He coughed here and there in his sleep, but for the most part he looked content and relaxed. Chanyeol didn't think he'd ever seen him in such a state before.

After sunset, when the sky went from orange to purple, the bus pulled to a stop at another small, dusty stop right next to a gas station. By then, the three other passengers dwindled down to one; there wasn't much rush to get to the next destination. Chanyeol rose from his seat, leaned down to kiss Baekhyun atop his forehead, mentally knocked himself in the head for being so embarrassing, then climbed off the bus and headed for the gas station.

The bell dinged when he stepped through the automatic glass doors, reaching into his pant pockets to make sure he still had a little spare cash left for a snack and a water bottle. He walked up and down the aisles, searching for something Baekhyun might like. In the back of the store, where there was a line of refrigerators, he found a cheap pack of sushi – probably the lowest quality seafood one could obtain, but neither had the money to be picky.

Chanyeol grabbed one case of six California rolls, a blue sports drink, and a pack of corn-nuts for himself. Just as he turned around to approach the cashier, a head of black hair and an oversized sweatshirt appeared behind him, scaring the shit out of him. Chanyeol jumped back, nearly dropping the food, his shoulder bumping into a shelf.

"Baek? Why are you up? I thought you were sleeping." Heat spread across his face, thinking the mermaid might've been awake when he exchanged that forehead kiss earlier.

"I need to use the bathroom."

"Are you feeling okay?" Chanyeol followed after him, taking note of the sweats Baekhyun had the good sense to slip on. At least he didn't walk out pantless.

"Now that we're only a few hours away from entering Florida, I'm feeling great."

He wasn't really feeling great, but there was no denying the small glint of enthusiasm in his eyes as he anticipated their arrival in the sunshine state.

Baekhyun broke away from him, going into the bathroom while Chanyeol waited outside. He stood at the door like he was guarding it, constantly checking over his shoulders to see any other customers lurking around. After everything they'd been through, there was no such thing as being too cautious. Besides, the threat wouldn't disappear despite entering Florida. He had to remember that the original gangsters on the cruise ship were on their way to Florida with Baekhyun. That meant the buyer – the gangster who wanted his hands on Baekhyun since the beginning – was in that state, most likely still waiting for him, trying to track his location.

Florida might arguably be the most dangerous place they could go right now.

Chanyeol shivered, looking over his shoulder again. The Alabama gangsters disguised themselves as mechanics to cover their tracks. What other gangsters were hiding in plain sight? How many of these seemingly innocent people walking around the store were really criminals? They'd run into so many different gangsters, anyone could be following them.

The door swung open, smacking Chanyeol in the shoulder. He stumbled back as Baekhyun walked out without saying a word, heading towards the cashier and expecting Chanyeol to follow. They stood in the short line with their snacks, both evidently on high alert.

"When we get to Florida," Baekhyun mumbled, side-eyeing the people walking by. "Do you think you're sister will really be there?"

"Where else would she be?"

"Maybe she flew back to Korea."

Chanyeol's stomach dropped. He didn't even want to entertain the possibility. "She would never leave without knowing where I am. Most likely scenario – she called our parents and started a search party."

"And what if she stayed in Mexico? Or went back to California?"
The line moved forward. Chanyeol huffed. "Why are you bringing all of this up now? When we're right outside Florida?"

"They're possibilities."

They made it to the front. Chanyeol set the snacks on the counter and removed the loose cash from his pocket. "Maybe Chaeyoung stayed in California at first. But she must know I'm alive at this point after the carjackings and the police sketch. She's smart enough to piece together that, if I am the guy on the news, then I'm heading to Florida. She's going to follow the cruise just like we are."

After paying, they headed back to the bus and reclaimed their seats in the very back. This time, Baekhyun didn't lay down so there wasn't any room for Chanyeol. They sat together, shoulders pressed together and a pack of sushi shared between them. Baekhyun didn't complain about the quality of the crab; it was a miracle he was eating anything at all.

"She'll be there. I can feel it." Chanyeol claimed, though he knew not to be too confident. They had a habit of running into trouble just as things appeared to be going well.

Baekhyun had this look on his face – his narrowed eyes and taut lips – that showed his doubt. That he didn't really believe all would work out in the end. That they'd get off scott free. But he didn't say any more. He didn't crush Chanyeol's optimism or hope. He put a sushi role in his mouth and turned to the window, staying quiet.

"I meant what I said when I told you I'd get you back home." Chanyeol felt the need to reassure him, feeling Baekhyun's doubt expanded further than his sister.

"I know you meant it. Doesn't mean you'll be able to do it."

"What makes you think I can't?"
Baekhyun coughed into his elbow, then rested his head on Chanyeol's shoulder and closed his eyes. "There's a shit ton of trouble waiting for us in Florida. Don't expect it to be easy sailing from here."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17 ⏰

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