Chapter 1

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"Evaaaa! Wake up! How much you wanna sleep! It's already 8.40 am. You are gonna miss your 1st day at University . Look at suraiya She's already ready for school. Wake up now or else I'm gonna beat you with slippers!"

said Mrs Amira Abdi. She was making ruti (Similer as bread) in the kitchen though she has maids but she loved to make breakfast by herself . Suraiya was reading her book on the dinning table while Mr Aziz came to the dinning table seat down. He asked Amira,

" Eva is still sleeping?"

"No! Her soul is making breakfast with me"'

Mrs Amira said with a pissed look on her face.

" Can you please go and wake that girl. She's gonna be so late!".

Mr Aziz then go to her room and knock the door gently

"Eva. My princess. Wake up. Your mother is burning with anger. Looks like She's gonna beat me not you. Wake up princess."

Sleeping in a cozy comfortable bed finally Eva opend her eyes while rubing her eyes as She looked at her phone and her eyes almost poped out after seeing the time. She hurriedly went off from bed. She rushed towards the bathroom but she stumbled on her feet and fall hurdly on the floor.

She hissed in pain. Her father then asked her

" Ev are YOU okay? Don't rush dear. Take your time"

. "Iam okay Appa! I just stumbled on my feet. That's it. Nothing to worry appa! Tell eomma Im coming in 7 minutes!"

After hearing her statement her father facepalm and told to himself

" Aish this girl is never gonna learn how to walk properly"

"Okay lam going. Go and fresh up then I will treat your wound"

"Okay Appa",

She stand up and look at her knees. Her knee is bleeding. She then went to the bathroom and clean her wound and then bandage it. She took a warm shower and started to dry her hairs and then went to her closet.

She took her new baby blue abaya which is specially designed by her fashion designer. She wore the abaya and take the same colour hijab. She then wore the hijab and use a lipbum and do a minimal make up.

She make sure to look good in her outfit as her face has an unique beauty. Eva is naturally so beautiful. She have a round face with sharp jawline and big doe eyes plumpy lips with little frankles on her face. Her cheeks are rosy which make her look like a doll also she have a fair honey tan skin and a pretty good figure so she don't need any kinds of makeup to look pretty.

Atlast she use a light smell perfume. For the last time she lookd in the Mirror and find herself looking very gorgeous. She smiled and told herself "Masa' Allah. What a beauty!". She chuckled at her own statement and go from the room.

 She chuckled at her own statement and go from the room

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