Chapter 5

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"It's him..."

Eva's eyes remain fixed on the guy she had met at the mall, her mind processing the unexpected encounter. A mix of surprise and mild curiosity overcomes her, wondering if this is mere coincidence or if there is more to it. She glances back at the group of girls who are still excitedly chattering and shouting, their attention fully captured by the newcomer.

As Eva is still observing the newcomer, deep in her thoughts, Jessica appears behind her without warning, causing her to jump slightly in surprise.

Embarrassed by the unexpected scare, Eva murmurs to herself,

"Wallahi, everyone keeps giving me surprises today. First, the guy from the mall, and now you, Jess."

Jessica notices the surprise on Eva's face and can't help but chuckle. She teases her friend, a playful smile on her lips.

"You look like you've seen a ghost! Who got you all worked up?"

Eva, still recovering from the surprise, playfully rolls her eyes at Jessica.

"Nobody got me worked up," she replies, a hint of amusement in her voice.

"Just a familiar face that caught me off guard."

Jessica's curiosity piqued by Eva's cryptic answer, she presses further, a mischievous gleam in her eyes.

"A familiar face, huh? Care to share who this mystery person is?"

Jessica's question is interrupted by the escalating screams of the girls. The commotion gets louder as they find out that the mysterious guy and Zayan are in the same class.

Jessica and Eva exchange a bemused look, their attention briefly diverted by the information about the newcomers. Jessica breaks the brief silence, a hint of curiosity in her tone.

"So, the new guy is in the same class as Zayan? Interesting."

Eva, intrigued by the revelation about the new student and Zayan being in the same class, turns to Jessica with an innocent expression.

"Isn't that a bit of a coincidence? The new guy being in the same class as Zayan and all."

Jessica nodded, a sly smile appearing on her lips.

"Yeah, it is quite the coincidence. Maybe Zayan will have a new study buddy now, or maybe even some competition for class rankings?"

Eva couldn't help but chuckle at Jessica's remark.

"Competition, huh? I doubt Zayan will consider him much of a threat when it comes to rankings. He takes studying seriously, as I saw that.."

Jessica, recognizing the change in Eva's behavior, couldn't help but tease her further.

"Looks like you know quite a lot about Zayan in such a short time, huh?" she says with a smirk.

Eva's cheeks flush with embarrassment, and she quickly denies Jessica's implication.

"It's not like that," she replies, her tone defensive.

"I just happen to know that he's a dedicated student, that's all."

Trying to avoid the topic going further Eva looks at Jessica and inquires about Sabrina's whereabouts.

Eva asks, concern in her eyes, "Hey, where's Sabrina? She's usually here by now."

Jessica, sensing Eva's concern, responds with a reassuring smile,

"Oh, Sabrina's a bit under the weather today. She's not feeling too great, so she couldn't make it."

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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