The dangers of the beyond

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As they made their way back Hera was relieved that Ben had found kota. She was walking up to them when she noticed Kota was riding on Ben's back. His face was covered in blood. Hera quickly ran up to him and licked the claw Mark's on the side of his face.

"What happened" she asked taking kota off his back.

"Im fine but somethings wrong with kota" she quickly grabbed him looking all around his body.

"Oww" he said as she touched his front paw. She then touched the other one

"Owwww" he moved them away from her.

"Oh no there both broken" she said worried.

"No, kota can you move them" he wiggled them around slowly. It only hurt every time he put presser on them.

"See not broken, but sprained" he said calmly.

"Still that's bad, what happened" she looked at both of them.

"There was a lynx that was about to kill kota" Hera gasped. A lynxx but what was it doing out here

"Where is it" she had fire in her eyes, ready to kill anything that came at her.

"It's ok I.... took care of it" Ben sighed. He then looked at kota.

"What were you doing out there" kota Refused to make eye contact. He knew he did bad and now would be punished.

"Answer me" Ben stepped closer

"I....I....." his eyes began to fill it with tears.

"I was going to practice-"

"I told you we would pick up on that tomorrow" Ben cut him off. He couldn't believe this, he almost got himself killed over some stupid flip. Ben didn't even want to look at him anymore. He was angry and disappointed with him.

"Kota you know better than to wonder off, especially at night" Hera said coming closer to him. She grabbed his paw and moved it around.

"Tell me when it hurts ok" she moved it in circles for awhile, but when she pushed on it he let out a whimper.

"It's sprained alright" she said to Ben who just scoffed at them.

"Ben" Hera said. She wanted him to say something. Tell him it was gonna be alright. He took a deep breath and spoke calmly again.

"It's time we tell him" Hera's face changed. That's not what she hoped he would say.

"What, you can't be serious"

"Hera he's not a pup anymore, he needs to know this" he quickly looked at kota and began

"There's a rule me and Hera follow, a rule that is the only reason why we are still here today" Ben slowly came closer to kota.

"Anything and I mean anything you see alive tell yourself this, kill or run. If you see a bear what do you think you should do" kota was silent for awhile still trying to comprehend what he was saying.

"Run" he finally said

"Now if this bear is injured and dieing what should you do"

"Kill" kota was kinda getting it. He did feel it was harsh and cruel. do you always have to do this he wanted to ask but didn't dare. Ben was already mad at him.

"Now things could get tricky like if you see jaguar, but that's when you have to use this" he touched kota's head

"I know you'll get the hang of it Dakota" he finally stopped taking and jumped up the tree. Kota stayed looking at his aching paws.

"Hey" Ben got back down.

"Come on" he got down again for kota to climb on. He didn't even look at Ben. He was to ashamed to face him.

"It's ok, im not mad at you kota it just..... when that lynx had you I.... I really thought I was gonna lose you. Just remember the rule and this will never happen again" Ben smiled for the first time in along time. Kota got on and both of them joined Hera on the tree.

Kota still couldn't sleep, to much stuff was going through his mind. The lynx that almost killed him and the law that Ben spoke of. That can't be the only way to survive he thought.

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